‘Porn’s neocon kingpin‘ took the opportunity to taunt those who question Israel while blinding us with visions of juicy Sephardic nipple:
“Hello everyone, and particularly my dear liberal friends or, rather, all of the degraded left-wing ignoramuses. Check out these pictures from gay pride in Tel Aviv and let me know if Israel is, in your opinion, a gay friendly society or you still want to take a tour to Palestine, Saudi Arabia, or any other countries and fight for the freedom of the oppressed Mullahs and goat-fuckers in the desert.”
What the hell is wrong with Michael. I think too much of his make-up has seeped into his brain and
caused some serious damage. Michael, liberals and jews (re: Israel), are still much more aligned than are Israel and the so-called conservatives. Take a look at any recent national election – and I mean last 50 years up to and including 2006, jews in this country voted overwhelmingly for Democrats. This percentage has not really changed very much over the years. Politically ignorant people have been duped by the assholes at FOX News and fat pigs like Rush Limbaugh into thinking that it is only the far right that cares about Israel.
Also, some evangelical preachers have been more vocal in the new found support of Israel. They do this for selfish reasons – the “end of days and the second coming, etc. Of course, these men of religion are firmly in the conservative camp.
Michael. If you are going to spout off about a topic, try to do your homework first. And be sure to check your sources for information. Knowing your ego, I doubt it will allow you to admit you are wrong.
Isn’t that Colin Farrell in the photo?
Did I miss something? When did the conservatives stage a protest in front of a Saudi Arabian embassy in favor of gay rights?
Michael Lucas I know I have been (cough) critical and harsh towards you on many sites, and I certainly have issues with many of your statements and politics BUT NOT HERE and Not on this subject.
I agree and support your views here 100%!
The ONLY place in the Middle East you will see Gay Pride is in Israel.
Is the Israeli govt perfect? No, Is ours? Hardly!
But the level of freedom and pride you see here makes me proud of what Gay Jews have accomplished in their country.
And I might add Israeli men are insanely hot and sexual, its all that “live for today for tomorrow me may die” mentality!
Good and timely post and I would not call Michael Neo Con they certainly do not support gay rights in our country.
its hard to understand because lucas is perpetrating stereotypes in an effort to eradicate others. the middle east is fucked up, but israel’s tolerance of gay culture does not excuse its militarism or refusal to deal with the palestinians who they’ve exiled.
Michael Lucas – I appreciate that response, and agree with most of it. But perhaps I do need Lasik eye surgery, since it seems to me either that quote of yours is taken WAY out of context, or there’s a disconnect here. Aren’t gays among those “oppressed” people you flippantly dismissed?
I rarely comment on sites, but to Mr. Will, please use your glasses when you’re reading. I never said anything about not fighting for the rights of gay people in Muslim countries. In my articles I always voice my concern about the horrifying treatment of gay people and women over there. I always talk about beheadings, honor killings, and all the other barbaric practices that originate and is deeply rooted in Islam. By the way, why wouldn’t the liberals organize even a short demonstration for protest in front of a Saudi Arabian embassy in support of gay rights and against the backwardness of Islam?
And yes, unfortunately, support for Israel shifted from Democrats on the left to Republicans and conservatives on the right. In my opinion, support for Israel should be universal and should not depend on any alliances and political parties. The tragedy of the Palestinian people lies not with Israel but with the other Muslim countries who want to keep Palestinians in shit and use them as a scapegoat. Unfortuantely, Israel has no other way but to block them from entering and the wall that Israel built proved that this is the only way to protect Israelis from suicide bombers. Since the wall was erected, terrorist attacks stopped and tourism to Israel is booming for the first time in many years.
Tate – NO OF COURSE NOT!! I thought that would be clear if you read the post, sorry if it wasn’t. Michael says not to bother to “fight for the freedom of the oppressed Mullahs and goat-fuckers in the desert.” That is what I was referring to.
Wait, are you accusing Israeli of jailing and executing gays? Nothing could be further from the truth.
Gays serve openly in the Israeli military, also.
Yes Michael, let’s just turn our backs while they continue to jail and execute gays. Party on!