An actual press conference in response to the recent “butt chugging” scandal (think beer bongs, except the beer goes directly up your asshole) at the University of Tennessee’s Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity. That’s the entire fraternity standing behind the lawyer. Mind = blown.
I’m thinking he passed out from all the alcohol he drank earlier and his frat buddies put it in his ass as a prank, or they coaxed him into doing it himself, when he was already drunk. He looks like this kid I knew in middle and high school that all the guys would make do all these embarrassing things and they would laugh about it. He did it to try and make people like him. Poor kid is going to be scarred for life, this one too.
Butt-chugging’s a thing now? What in the world…
Could he be a closet butt chugger ??
Food for thoughts , here is one of his statements :
‘I would never do such a thing , I am a Christian who would never desecrate my body in that manner. To do so would be against God’s law.’
Bwahaha he drank alcohol with his ass instead of mouth and wants a lawsuit and a speech in front of an entire university to “clear his name” .
Only in Amerikuh!!