Mr. Man: Best Butts of the 90’s!

The 90s are back in a big way with fashion! Television show revivals…and a greater appreciation for the hottest hunks in the 90s.

We were boy obsessed then and we are boy obsessed now – some things never change. Let’s take a look at these hotties and their sexy 90s nudity. Something Tiger Beat could never cover. Did we forget any 90s hunks?  Please leave any suggestions in the comments!

10) Brendan Fraser in Gods and Monsters

brendan_fraser brendan_fraser brendan_fraser

9) Mario Lopez in The Greg Louganis Story

Mario_Lopez Mario_Lopez

8) Keanu Reeves in My Own Private Idaho…see more Celebrity Ass here.


7) Ryan Phillippe in Cruel Intentions

Ryan_Phillippe Ryan_Phillippe

6) Mark-Paul Gosselaar in NYPD Blue

Mark-Paul_Gosselaar Mark-Paul_Gosselaar

5) Brad Pitt in Legend of the Fall…see EVERY Naked Scene of Brad

Brad_Pitt Brad_Pitt Brad_Pitt

4) Taye Diggs in The Wood (aptly named movie!)


3) Matt Damon in the Talented Mr Ripley…see Matt’s Perfect Peach

Matt_Damon Matt_Damon

2) Jason Priestley in Calendar Girl

Jason_Priestley Jason_Priestley Jason_Priestley

1) Luke Perry (RIP) in Oz

Luke_Perry Luke_Perry



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