And here they are, new production stills and candids from Men of Israel, partly from Pam’s facebook and partly from Michael’s blog. If you get off on the swarthy, you shouldn’t be disappointed.
Note: The pics of the boys swimming in the Dead Sea (Matan Shalev, Jonathan Agassi and Avi Dar), and several others, are by Ronen Akerman.
Another note: mr. Pam’s caption on the shower pic: “me & my hot boss, Michael Lucas showering after shooting in the Dead Sea (ohhh my vagine was a burnin!!)”
Michal Lucas Goes to Israel, Finds the Assholey Land
Trailer Trash: “A Jihad For Love”
Michael Lucas Taunts ‘Left-Wing Ignoramuses’ With Pictures of Hot Israelis
Watch Lucas’ Entrapment on NakedSword.