I can’t believe it happened again.
Like last year, all I wanted to do was take some fun pics and be a part of the Grabbys pre-party celebration at Club Hydrate with special guest DJ Chi Chi LaRue, but instead everyone just kept telling me to get away from them :-(
You would think that after last year and all the years before I would have learned my lesson and given people their personal space, but no. Instead, I just keep ruining everything, year after year, Grabbys pre-party after Grabbys pre-party. This time around, Austin Wilde, Max Ryder, Jake Bass, and two other bloggers who were also there covering the event (but in a RESPECTFUL manner) all had me thrown out of the club.
All I wanted to do was get some hot shots of the go-go boys, but everyone kept yelling “Fuck The Sword!!”
Even after I got kicked out and sneaked back in (the second time), gay porn newcomer Ray Han threatened to beat me up. Everyone else just glared at me.
I’m a blogger, but I’m also a fan. Why can’t people at least respect me as a fan? Why can’t people respect my emotions?
All I wanted to do was get some good content for the readers of this blog. I only wanted content.
After I sneaked back in again (for the third time), people really started getting mad. Parker Perry threw a drink at me. Ryan Rose threw a twink at me.
Why me?
I got thrown out of the Club Hydrate Grabbys pre-party. Again.
Why hasn’t anyone else mentioned how smokin’ hot Christopher Daniels looks?
Because he isn’t. At least not in that pic. Seriously terrible camera Zach could the company have not lent you a decent DSLR, if they even own one? None of these pics really do any of the models justice.
And still funny how some people take this post as being serious. But then again last year it was really well written in a serious tone and most of us didn’t even know it was all classic Zach :)
Dean Zach, you get what you deserve. You’re lucky Rocco Reed was not there or it would have been SOOO worse ! ;-)
OMG best laugh I’ve had all week!!!! Thank you!!!
Brayden Forrester = dreamboat.
Lawsy, those are some fugly broken-down bar biatches when the Bambi M.A.C. movie magic ain’t available.
Will @connorklinexxx become this years Grabby Steven Daigle? I’m smelling a meltdown. Soon.
I think he and his boyfriend just broke up… Could be
Lol idk who that is…and actually it was the opposite. I ended the relationship, and he assaukted me last night at Hydrate
Oh dear Zach, I’m so sorry! Not again?! But you’re a blogger AND a fan, why would they do this? (Collapses, weeping, in heap on floor) Oh and that poor twink! Where did he land??!
It was Phillip Ashton boo. Where do you think he landed?
A) on someone elses cock
B) on someone elses cock
C) inside Candance’s pussy.
Voting now open.
Is that Shawn Wolf with Ryan Rose? Please don’t let Shwn get beat up. I really like him
No worries Olaf, there is never any drama ever during IML/Grabby weekend.
I wouldn’t worry about that. From a trusted source, Ryan Rose and think Hunter Page have a thing going. You can fine pictures of them out to dinner on his twitter. We can also see their pet names to each other on there. I would say it won’t be long until this fling is brought to light. I personally enjoy Hunter Page, and if Ryan has changes this could be amazing to see.
haha exactly EdWoody.. Fun times..
And STILL, people don’t get Zach’s sense of humour, to the extent that they are now becoming part of the joke.
I usually do but I have to say until I saw “Candace”‘s pictures I got fooled. In my defense I fail to see what the “joke” is supposed to be here.
you know what they say about people who defend themselves……….that is all.
I fully plead guilty to being a moron on this particular occasion.
There would only be one reason that they would have thrown him out (and I’m not sure if I believe they did) and it would be because of who the blogger is, not because they didn’t want pictures taken of them. There are a ton of pictures of Jake Bass and Max Ryder from last night posted all over the place, none of which have their hands in front of their face shunning the cameras.
Do you require a service dog when you go outside to get you from point A to point B?
You’ve got the world figured out.
This never happened
He looked so good in the previews and then…??
now that’s funny :D
It could have been much, much worse. Just think if you were actually Riley Price.
Why is Riley even being mentioned? He’s retired. Move on! :
Did he retire again? or is it that his comeback never took off as he had hoped? He was supposedly going back to Randy Blue but from what I heard they never liked working with him. Apparently he was a mess to deal with.
He never returned at all. Im not sure about Randy Blue not liking Riley Price. Remember it was Riley that left Randy.
Hi Riley.
Threw a drink at me…threw a twink at me.
I lol’ed.
I lol’ed too. for some reason that photo made me think of The Goonies. <__>
These look more staged than last year’s, haha. Part of the joke? Looking forward to more coverage!
This is weird. I don’t get it. Why would they have issues with you taking pics to the point of throwing you out? It is a public event, isn’t it?
I get it now. Blonde.