I know you’ve all been sitting at the edge of your seat since last night’s post, but now finally all can be revealed: It’s a contest, with really cool prizes! In conjunction with the release of their original series Frat House Cream, NakedSword is asking you to show us your best Cream Face.
First, let’s take a gander at Hunter Page in the poster below for a better understanding what a Cream Face is:
To enter the contest, all you have to do is grab your camera and recreate the Frat House Cream poster using your own face. Don’t worry about the logo or background of your photo (although the cleaner the background, the better): all we want to see is a photo of you making your best Cream Face! You can copy Hunter exactly, or put your own spin on it. You can go for sexy, scary, silly or slutty … (but please, — and this is very important — no nudity.)
While you’re at it, post it on Twitter — just don’t forget to hashtag it — #frathousecream & #creamface:
Feel free to use photo-editing software like photoshop to enhance your pic. And also feel free grab your friends and use more than one person (the more Cream Faces the better — especially if your friends are hot). Email your best Cream Face photo to creamface@nakedsword.com October 2, 2013 (at 12 noon PST, to be exact). Be sure to check the Cream Face page to see all submissions that come in! After the submission period ends, NakedSword will select 12 finalists. [Note: Contest deadline extended has been extended again!]
Starting October 2, there will be 48 hours in which you get to vote on which of the 12 finalists is your favorite. All 12 win something, but the top three Cream Faces with the most votes win really cool prizes:
1st Place Grand Prize: iPad Mini and 1-year membership to NakedSword
2nd Place: Polaroid Express 600 Camera and PX 680 Color Protection Film and 3-month membership to NakedSword
3rd Place: $100 Cash and 30-day membership to NakedSword
(The nine remaining finalists will receive a 30-day membership to NakedSword)
The winners will be announced when the Frat House Cream finale is debuted on 10/2. Good luck!
Is this a real bus ad?
Ha Ha Ha.. I love Hunter Page, and this poster reminds me of one of those low budget horror movies. Now that picture of Sister Roma may be the reason why Hunter looked so “terrified”…lol