Are you sitting down? Are you in a room with other people?
Because if you are, you might want to save this for when you’re alone. Because you will probably need to jerk off after you get through this list.
This is a roundup of the hottest guys GayHoopla introduced us to this year. Most of them are probably straight, or heteroflexible. Many of them nonetheless took dicks up their asses just like the pros at Corbin Fisher/Sean Cody.
I am still baffled about where GayHoopla casting guy Landon has been doing his recruiting, and he’s not saying. But he’s been finding a whole lot of built jocks who may or may not also be camming somewhere now GayHoopla has its own live cam shows every night at 7PM PT and who no one has ever seen before with the exception of this guy, who turned out to be Hudson from Corbin Fisher, and frequently returning GayHoopla model Phillip Anadarko, who used to be Tanner on Corbin Fisher.
Regardless of what you think of their production values (they’re getting better!), this studio, in its first year, has managed to find some sickeningly hot men for us to jerk off to, and for that we should thank them.
But not all buff, masculine 21-year-olds are created equal. And some of these guys are better performers than others. So, please, take a vote below and help me decide who from GayHoopla should end up on the Sword’s year-end list of hottest newcomers. Because I honestly can’t decide. Some of them, like Jason Keys and Max Summerfield, have done dozens of scenes already in their first year of model-dom. And some only made one or two videos and we may never seen them again. Amazingly, though, GayHoopla has gotten a lot of these guys back multiple times, and they’ve even made their first narrative feature, The Edge of Desire, which may not make a ton of sense but it has a kind of Blair Witch-meets-Fraternity X quality.
But we’ll start here, with fat-cocked, cherub-faced Aiden Miller.
Andy Sheckler (Please come back, Andy!!)
I would seriously marry pretty much of all of them. Or at the very least spend a summer fucking them and letting them treat me like shit while imagining I was in love with them.
Anyway, there’s a lot of hotness here. So give me a hand and take a vote. Vote for up to 2 guys, and I’ll include one (or 2) in the final year-end list.
I’d vote Chris but he has only done a solo, so I voted for Aiden
Straight guys who need cash and immediately regret their decisions… until they need cash again. I can’t get past what I know is really going on when I try to get into this site.
I voted for Chris because he is rocked Justin Owen’s old Seriously though Chris is the hottest newbie in my opinion. Zach and Brad have great bodies and have that bad boy look that I find irresistible.
I don´t like gay for pay ! I think, straight guys which fucks other straight guys for money, also fucks animals and childs for money ! That is my opinon !
GH is just boring ! I don´t understanding guys, who loves to see fucking straight boys ! I was a member of GH ! I asked Landon, why they have not gay models ! Landon say ” He don´t like gay models ” ! I mean, that is Homophob ! Why real gay guys support this site ??? Just straight boys, that is so boring ! No passion, no real sex ! The models watching straight porn, when they fucking ! That isn´t sexy ! Nothing is gay, at ” GAYhoopla” ! It´s just insulting for us gay peoples ! And the owners lie about the sexuality of the models ! I mean, what is soo bad , when a member asked if they are gay, straight or bi ! That is normal ! They are porn actors, not more !!!
That is a total lie… Landon has NEVER said “He don´t like gay models” … You are totaling lying about this statement and making slanderous comments…. Maybe you should get your hearing for real!!!!
RealGayBoy: What is your RealGayName? Your broken English comment sounds like the comments another Gay4Pay hater frequently posts on this site. Who could it be ??? LOL
andrew He wasnt me idiot I just took a vacation from this porn world but Im back.
Damn you for making me choose, they all deserve an award for unbearable levels of hotness
How does GH manage to continue to get so much press when they turn out such bad porn? Well, it’s not even really porn. Guys in Sweatpants is a site much more deserving of media space than GH. Consistently great production, hot guys and an owner/model that actually in tune with his audience.
Why isn’t MARSHALL BLAKE on this list?
You’re right about that.. Is it because he has only done a solo? That can’t be it either. Marshall Blake is a hot young jock with a big dick. I hope GayHoopla gets Marshall back for more scenes.
You can’t make me choose! I won’t do it! I won’t!
I voted for Sebastian Hook. I think Chris Kohler is a close second.
FFS… are they not some of the worst pictures from the most unflattering angles you’ve ever seen???
And they STILL look hot. Life isn’t fair…