I just want to thank everyone for being so supportive of me and for giving me the freedom to be an out and proud gay nude underwear model. Coming out of the closet wasn’t easy, but now that I am, I’m finally comfortable enough in my own skin to be a gay nude underwear model and to give interviews in which I talk about my homosexuality while wearing Andrew Christian underwear. I’m gay and I’m a nude underwear model and, by the way, these underwear show off my semi-erect package ;-) Also, my hero is Harvey Milk.
17 thoughts on “National Coming Out Day: I Came Out Of The Closet As A Gay Nude Underwear Model”
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The National Organization For Marriage’s Brilliant Case Against Gay Rights
The video response below is exactly what I thought
i can’t believe all the vile being spewed. i actually thought it was a sweet, sincere story. you bitches need help.
also… why does he think he’s some role model who should talk about coming out?? He is exactly what young gay people should try NOT to be.
This little gnome is such a loser. I feel sorry for his parents. I’m sure he thinks he is a celebrity just because he models some two-bit underwear no one outside of a gay ghetto has ever heard of. This guy’s career will follow the trajectory of all the rest… underwear modeling, randy blue, barebacking for CF or SC and then Rentboy. By the time he’s 35 he’ll be drawning in addiction and despair because no one will know who he is.
wow. take a bottle of xanax, wash it down with some hater-aid and don’t call me in the morning
Zach …. me, me, me, me, I, me, I, I …… how many times were you going to say that ? I stopped watching after the first minute. Did anyone ever tell you that you look exactly like one of those Andrew Christian models ?
I don’t know what the attraction is, he looks like every other little boy here in Chicago. Quinn is hot, the sooner this one moves on bottoming in porn the better.
Well sweethearts…. I could turn that semi-soft package into hard sausage! Bang me baby! Play difficult to get all you want ’cause I’ll have you in my bed soon enough.
he just come out as a bisexual man. =S
Exactly. In one breath he says he didn’t “always know,” then in the next breath he says he’s “always” been attracted to both men and women (which means he’s bisexual, not gay), then he follows that by saying he’s gay. Contradictory, shallow, superficial, likes pussy…if he’s not already doing gay porn, he should definitely pursue it because he would fit in perfectly.
actually i think what he was saying was society teaches us we should be attracted to women and it took him quite a while to realize that’s a fallacy and that he isn’t and doesn’t have to be. honestly educational standards in this country are appalling.
This guy is the biggest narcissistic douche bag. I met him at an after party a few months back. He was so fucking full of himself, and acted very entitled the whole night. He is not even hot enough to act that way. He has a decent face, and a nice body, but not taller than 5’5.
Dont be so fucking jealous! He is hot!
Jealous!?!? He doesn’t even exist to me!
The fact that he so casually contradicts himself just on the sheer matter of his own sexuality (which is supposed to be the focal point of this video in the first place, not the underwear he’s clearly advertising) pretty much destroys his “hotness,” as far as I’m concerned.
this guy is not hot. he looks like a gremlin except he has pretty eyes. I’m sure the name he is using is completely made up and contrived. he says other places on the web that he graduated college (some place I’ve never heard of) and had a management job at BP (that’s a total lie). He says the corporate world was homophobic to him when he came out (another lie. they probably didn’t want him prancing around in his underwear at work.) He also says another place he’s been speaking out for gay rights for 10 years but he lists his age at 24. you do the math. the truth is, he’s a stripper at the Abby in West Hollywood. the end… literally.
what does his height have to do with anything? men aren’t men or worthy of being attractive if they aren’t a certain height? the ignorance and arrogance in people never ceases to amaze me.
The whole Andrew Christian thing is really getting on my nerves.