I guess this is a week of talking about queer celebrities that we typically never discuss on this blog. A couple of days ago, I got into Nico Tortorella’s nudes that show off their new tattoo and now we’re talking about another celeb that doesn’t get nearly enough attention on this blog – Neil Patrick Harris!
The How I Met Your Mother star, who is seems to be too busy being a parent (ew) to post anything risque on his social channels (boo!), took to Instagram this week to share a Croatian vacation photo that shows him shirtless and possibly showing a little more crotch than intended.
You have to look closely, but you can definitely make out the head of Neil’s nub through his wet swim shorts. Maybe even a little bit of his shaft too?! Take a look below:
True NPH fans will know that this isn’t the first time we’ve gotten the slightest glimpse at his junk. The 2014 cinematic masterpiece Gone Girl gives us the actual tiniest moment of Patrick penis after he (major spoiler alert) gets murdered by legend, icon, and star Rosamund Pike.
It’s probably one of the lamest cock reveals in movie history (especially when you consider that Ben Affleck showed off his dad dick only a couple of moments later in the same movie), but I guess it’s better than nothing if you’re the type of guy that thirsts over NPH.
So what do you think of Neil’s swimwear? Is that actually his cock or are our thirsty eyes just playing tricks on us? Sound off in the comments below with your hot thoughts on this actor’s wet crotch!
Bitches are bored,
bitiching on the sword
Bitches bare bord,
bitiching on the sword
So what and really who cares? Must be a slow day here to have to report stories like this with very little interest. Move on.
Uh… the tip of his dick??? That’s him fully erect. They don’t call him bird dick for nothing.
He’s one of the most overrated gay ‘celeb’. I don’t see why he’s such a big deal.
He is not a big deal except only to his mirror kissing self.
Doogie Howser is just plain nasty! He is a complete arrogant prick. Ask anyone on Broadway who they despise working with and his name will pop up every single time.
Def A VPL on NPH
Breaking news: Man has penis.