Members of the Show-Me Generation are, after all, a lot cooler with the whole gay-for-pay idea and tend to make out with whatever mouth meets theirs, so who are we to judge.
Okay, we judge, and if any of our gay friends had sex with a woman we’d flip. But anyway, there is at least one hot shirtless stud in this trailer.
The Art of Being Straight is or was showing in Los Angeles and New York recently. Look for it on DVD.
Does Bitching About Gay-For-Pay Make You a Lesbian?
Frameline, SF’s Lesbigaytranny Film Fest, Opens Tonight
UPDATED: Gay-For-Pay Porn Stars on Tyra
Trailer Trash: Pornography, a New Gay Indie Thriller
Well jay, I’m sure you would flip out at the British TV series about the true-life gay activist who fell in love with a woman called BOB AND ROSE.
BTW, in June of 1999, OUT MAGAZINE published a report of an American gay and lesbian political activist couple who also fell in love with each other.
I’m all for experimentation and finding whatever works.
Hi everyone. If we fall, we don’t need self-recrimination or blame or anger – we need a reawakening of our intention and a willingness to recommit, to be whole-hearted once again.
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