“Porn use correlates with greater acceptance of more modern gender values and greater acceptance of varying levels of sexual orientation and expression. Porn use correlates with healthier relationships. A study that came out recently showed that couples that have talked about one or both partner’s levels of porn use have healthier relationships. There is significant evidence that porn use has positive effects far, far more frequently than negative effects.”
So states New Mexico psychologist David Ley, in an interview with Salon regarding his hilariously named paper “The Emperor Has No Clothes: A Review of the ‘Pornography Addiction Model.” (Obv I Googled Ley, and turns out he’s a bit of a blue-eyed dreamboat.)
Other gems from Ley’s research:
Does porn addiction really exist?
Inconclusive, says Ley. “It is a very common statement in all of the porn addiction research that high rates of porn use correlate with high rates of depression, problems at work, et cetera. […] The common assumption in porn addiction research has been that porn is contributing to and causing those negative emotional states and life events. In fact, there have been two or three longitudinal studies that looked at this question, and what they found consistently is that porn is a symptom, not a cause.”
“This is your brain; this is your brain on porn.”
The idea that porn causes harmful chemical changes in the brain is a “scare tactic,” claims Ley. “There are a tremendous amount of theories put out about the way porn potentially affects people’s brains, but these theories are not being critically assessed. Instead, if it sounds convincing, it’s adopted as true. The research doesn’t support it.”
There is a relationship between porn use and difficulty ejaculating.
According to Ley, you might blame Sean Cody for all those times it took forever to cum: “There are some past and upcoming publications that relate high levels of porn use to delayed ejaculation impeding men’s ability to orgasm. However, one of the overarching issues here is that we are commingling the idea of porn use with masturbation.” Accordingly he adds that if “the issue is masturbation, are we replicating our history where we believed that masturbation depleted people of necessary spiritual and psychic energies?”