Jo-Vanni Roman, also known as Geo the Rentboy, is embracing the spotlight, and some people are quietly speculating that he was conspiring to out George Rekers all along. Well good for him, and he earned it after he endured ten arduous days driving the scenic route down George Reker’s happy trail.
From The Miami New Times:
Rekers allegedly named his favorite maneuver the "long stroke" — a complicated caress "across his penis, thigh… and his anus over the butt cheeks," as the escort puts it. "Rekers liked to be rubbed down there," he says.
Meanwhile, the Christian right is busy unloading its Facebook accounts. Florida’s Attorney General, Bill McCollum, paid George Reker’s $87,000 for his "expert testimony" in a fight against gay adoption. Now, McCollum has taken time out of his gubernatorial campaign to remove himself from Facebook. McCollum hasn’t commented on the scandal, but Tony Perkins, the snarly-lipped fucktard who co-founded the Family Research Council with Rekers, is busy mincing words. After deleting all references to Rekers on the Family Research Council website, Perkins is now describing his former business partner as "George Rekers who?"
Meanwhile, Dan Savage is contributing to the scandal as only he can, by coining a new euphemism. Here’s a gallery of Jo-Vanni via Queerty, followed by Stephen Colbert’s take on it all.
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Alpha Dog of the Week – George Rekers | ||||
The photo that started it all:
George Reker’s Little Fuckbitch: A Roundup
Meet David Geffen’s Hot Little Fuckbitch
Meet Dustin Lance Black’s Bareback Fuckbitch
It never ends. Fucking awesome.