We know it’s a complicated issue, and it seems clear that the school wasn’t experienced enough or equipped to deal with a kid like Larry. The trial of Brandon McInerney is sure to be fascinating and is almost sure to anger us and every other gay person on the planet because it is going to come down to whether or not this can be considered a hate crime, and what the legal responsibilities are of a school when dealing with a young gay (or potentially trans) student who refuses to be quiet about his oddness or his attractions among hostile peers. In many ways, as obnoxious as Larry is made out to sound in the Newsweek piece, we see him as just a loud queen who wanted center stage, who didn’t want to be told what to wear and who was testing the limits of his environment until he lost. The school failed him, but so did Brandon McInerney’s parents and every other parent who failed to teach their kids that being gay was okay. And as we said before, it’s a shame he was stuck in Oxnard when he actually might have survived adolescence somewhere else.
Apparently Wearing High Heels to School Will Still Get You Killed
Young, Gay and Murdered (Newsweek)
Corvino: Blaming Larry King (365gay)