Gay porn, everybody!
27 thoughts on “Next Door Studios’ New Gay Porn Superstar Tom Lansing Says His “State Of Mind” Prohibits Him From Engaging In Gay Sex Acts”
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A Month After Testing HIV-Positive, Derrick Burts Shot A Gay Porn Scene
The scene Burts shot, as “Derek Chambers”
He talks about doing his first and only scene with a chick so I am not sure who has branded him a “gay porn superstar” don’t you have to actually do gay porn to be a gay porn star?
That studio only stays afloat on your self hating complacency fellas. Fucking grow a pair and throw in a backbone while you’re at it.
Good looking guy, great body and all. But as others have stated, if he’s not interested in doing any gay scenes, why is he at a studio known primarily for gay porn?
The interviewer is equally as bad at his job. When he asks a question, he invariably gives Tom Lansing the answer he’d like to hear, and then trails off with “or….”. “So do you prefer to be outdoors or indoors or…?” “Do you feel like you’re going to want to continue your work in the adult industry or…?” “Do you think there will be time in the future when you’re getting head from a guy or…?” -Then again, why shouldn’t NDS’s behind-the-scenes interviews be as repetitive, boring, formulaic, unintelligent, and uninspired as its porn?
If his state of mind prohibits him from performing gay sex acts, how does he let Stefan blow him behind the scenes for a watch or shoes or fifty bucks or whatever?
Stefan gave him (and the rest of the g4p models) weed and then somehow talked him into blowing them.
is that jeff daniels?
I don’t understand any of this.How you can be a gay pornstar but not engage in any gay sex acts?.I’m pretty new around here but i don’t want to pay to see this straight guys who don’t do anything but let other guys suck their cock.And this one seems that not even that.
Next door studios seems pretty popular,why people keep paying them to see this guys??? I’m confused.
Don’t worry, it’s confounded many how NDS stays in business. Guys so desperate for cash they’d do something that makes them uncomfortable and have that discomfort as some kind of selling point is just not sexy to me at all.
I didn’t watch the video. I CAN’T watch the video. I just know I’d have an aneurysm if I did. I already have a headache! Please, either shut up about your orientation(if you are str8) and actually DO gay porn or just go away.
Memo to Next Door Studios:
The majority of your behind the scenes videos don’t offer any interesting insight to your performers. If anything, they highlight just how clueless/ignorant many of them are and it sadly comes across in these interviews and not in the “aren’t they adorable in the own naive way”. You feel the need to ask them their sexual orientation which then goes down an uncomfortable path of why they’re choosing to pursue gay porn work and ultimately these models end up looking like dollar chasing douchebags.
You may want to sit back and review the material you shoot before you post it for all to see because all this stuff does is serve an already existing animosity that many gay guys have towards your organization and it’s continual need to scout for guys who are really not into guys. Frankly this is neither hot or sexy. It’s just downright insulting.
He’s 26? Damn, he looks like he’s 35+.
35+ and busted. Damn… slim pickings for models these days.
Pretty sure that dumb “Affliction” T-shirt should keep him from any gay man on action.
Oh goody, knowing his disgust about homo sex sure will make his homo hardcore action clips a sure hit! After all that’s what gay porn viewers lust for: Straight guys doing something they find repulsive, but they are doing it anyway while thinking about all the cash they are getting for it. Oh look, what he’s doing now after being offered an extra grand! You guys won’t be able to stop me from signing up for the site right now (that’s sarcasm, btw.).
He and Cody-Cumming should get along just fine! Their both a bunch of self serving A-holes if Tom-Lansing don’t like gay sex and his state of mind if you can call his bigoted mind a brain? Prohibits him from engaging in gay sex then he has no business working in the gay-porn industry he should take his homophobic to str8-porn and see how much money he can make as a str8 male porn star.With-out having to leech off of gay men for money just get a part time job to support your ass and pay your own bills and please don’t try to make any money from gay men just continue to be the ( jack-ass ) you are? The less we see of you the better speaking of better the gay-porn industry would be much better with-out you in it so please do us a favor and just get the fuck out of the gay-porn industry.Their are more than enough g4pers ass-holes in gay-porn already that we don’t need any more so just turn around and go home? And leave gay men alone and leave gay-porn to the real gay porn stars who really enjoy gay sex!I hope this will be the last we see of you in the porn biz don’t let the door slam your ass on the way out end of story.
Hahah, maybe the next HOT Cody Cummings update could be the two of them sitting there watching “Tosh.0” or playing cards for 18 minutes without looking each other in the eye. NDS, quality gay porn for quality gay men!!
Ok buddy, lets see how far you can go with this whole porn thing bc we all know the straight male pornstars are raking in the cash and are so famous they can barely leave their house without being hounded by paparazzi. Why do you think all these “straight” guys do gay porn? They’re dumb as fuck and need the cash. What self respecting gay man who is repulsed by the sight of a vagina would ever do straight porn? None. I feel like NDS is only around to annoy gay men (like me) and making decent porn is the last thing from their mind.
WTF…Paul, the freaking self loathing videographer, needs to get stop worshiping these straight douchebags. It is one thing for the straight guy that usually does this shit but the second the guy said he didn’t want to do gay scenes then why didn’t the gay man (poor excuse for one I know) ask him why the fuck he bothered.
Why ask him if he wants to come back and do something “kinky” with a girl? Fuck that noise. Show his ass the door. Like gay porn needs more trade trash. Next Door still has Cody, Torro, James Huntsman, Trystan Bull, Vinnie Castillo, and even James Jamesson stopped sucking dick. It’s like Sirrand’s Straight Stable for the Self Loathing. Th whole thing with this is that Stephan likely is just trying to fuck this guy.
This studio makes me fucking sick.
So is he one of the amazing models that Paul Wagner was hired to recruit?
Hey everyone, spend your hard earned cash at the studio the just cuts paychecks for dudes to bang chicks!!!
Why the fuck do these idiots posts behind the scene videos, when it only makes their studio look like assholes?
That site and it’s porn workers makes me itch!..eww!
Maybe it’s just me (every other site seems to be OK) but I get like 3 seconds of video and then 90 seconds of spinning wheel then 3 seconds of video and 90 seconds of spinning wheel then 3 seconds of video and 90 seconds of spinning wheel……irritating.
I watched it on the site with HD turned off and it streamed fine. That being said, he reminds me of Brandon Lewis and has that goofy straight look I like. I’d watch him in straight porn, no problem. They definitely need some new faces like him.
He also reminds me of Brandon Lewis. Too bad he doesn’t want to do any gay scenes, I have a feeling he and Brandon would be hot together.
Mabye on his very best day he looks like a poor man’s Brandon Lewis.