when i found out that jamey rodemeyer killed himself – i felt deeply troubled. but when i found out that jamey rodemeyer had made an it gets better video only months before taking his own life – i felt indescribable despair. i also made an it gets better video last year in the wake of the senseless and tragic gay teen suicides that were sweeping the nation at the time. but in light of jamey’s death it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality.
A cynical person would say that Zachary Quinto has had several years and several opportunities to play this hand, and opting to do so now in a magazine interview and on his website by juxtaposing his “coming out” narrative with the deaths of gay teenagers is delusional at best (as if a C-list celebrity could–or should!–wield any influence over whether or not someone should kill him or herself) and desperate at worst (surely this will land him a coveted spot in this year’s “Out 100″).
And the average person would say, “Who the fuck is Zachary Quinto?”
Totally agree with “no shit.” I think it’s great if anyone comes out, and it’s at least interesting to see what he has to say for himself, and I liked that Quinto admits how moved he was when that boy killed himself after posting that youtube video (which killed me, by the way — I sooo saw myself in that kid). BUT! I think it’s absolutely okay to also question why it took so long. I just don’t respect celebrities who linger in the closet for years — it’s their choice, yes, and I respect the choice, but I don’t respect the cowardice, and will not be that impressed or thankful when they finally decide to say something. When George Michael finally said something, I was like, “who cares, and thanks.” This Quinto dude’s enjoyed his gay Hollywood party life for years, and, yes, should’ve could’ve come forward long ago — the same for Anderson Cooper, and Rosie O’Donnell, and that White Collar actor with the crazy eyes.
If you ask the average person on the street who Kim Kardashian or Lindsay Lohan was, they would instantly know. I will guarantee you most people have no clue who Zachary Quinto is, regardless of how popular Heroes was (before it was cancelled), or how big of a hit Star Trek was, where he was not the main star. Whatever he is, he’s definitely not A list.
It’s cool he came out, but he doesn’t deserve a medal for it, or people acting like he survived some personal holocaust to finally become fully gay and happy. The dude has a film opening in a few weeks, and these personal revelations always seem to coincide with a new project in need of buzz.
that’s funny to say he wasn’t the main star of star trek. he played spock for god’s sake. LOL! the only other main star was chris pine who played kirk. who gives a fuck if he’s what you would call an a list star. and who ever said he deserved any sort of medal? he’s a an actor who’s starred in some hit movies and t.v. shows who came out, why be negative about it. so far as you insinuating he only came out to promote “margin call” what a joke. the movie has like a 3 million dollar budget and he just has a small part in an ensemble cast.
People went to see Star Trek, because it was Star Trek, not because he was in it. A dozen actors could have played Spock. Why am I being negative because I pointed out he has zero name recognition with the general public?? His coming out, obviously means something special to you, and that’s cute.
You pointing out that his upcoming film is low budget, actually proves my point. It’s all the more reason to get his name out there, which also puts a spotlight on all of his projects, current, past, and future. I realize you obviously don’t work in the entertainment business, but it was still a ridiculously laughable.
Oh dear… You can’t look down on a C-list actor unless you are A..or B list yourself.
Which nobony here is.
Good on him. I don’t know much about him, but for some kid that’s a fan of his work, it could make the world of difference.
How can we preach “It Gets Better”. It doesnt get better. It gets bitcher.
good for zachary quinto and good for all you who are applauding his decision to come out (for whatever reason). as for him being a c-list actor well i know he has a huge following amongst fanboys of the sci-fi and horror genre many of who could be closeted themselves and are probably encouraged and happy about this news. still don’t get the nasty tone of this post but as an average person it would not lead me to say “Who the fuck is Zachary Quinto?” but “Who the fuck is Zachary SIre?” and what’s up his ass. (probably nothing which would explain the bitter tude)
Yeah I’ve gotta say Zach, I usually enjoy this blog and VERY often agree with you but you are really in a miserable mood this week, what gives? Between this, the Brent Corrigan snark, the Marc Dylan snark, and the endless snark against any blogger who isn’t you I HAVE to wonder what the hell is going on with you!
I’ve actually had a great week! I don’t know what snark means though.
Hahah…okay Zach, you’re obviously in full teflon mode so I’ll let it drop (I can take a hint)
In Zach’s defense, he never actually asked himself “who the fuck is this guy?” He meant it as what an average person would feel. If you haven’t watched Star Trek and Heroes, there’s a very good chance that you won’t know who he is. hence his reference to the “average person”
as far as the Marc Dylan post goes, he was very respectful towards his feelings about him and I see nothing wrong with it, except for the fact that Marc Dylan does nothing for him, for which Zach should be beheaded!
and if you read the comments most ppl agree with Zach on Brent’s excessive complaining. Seriously that guy just gives fems a bad name. Never liked him as a porn star myself and like him even less as a person.
Are you hoping to get a “Sword” t-shirt or something?
I guess none of you ever watched 24 season 3. If you had you would have known he was gay. Just the way his character moved…you just knew it.
I don’t think he is cashing in. That said no one’s going to be spared from suicide because Captain Obvious came out of the closet.
Sean Maher actually shocked me though. I thought he intentionally played his character on Firefly as effeminate.
Now all we’re waiting for is Matthew Bomer…
I like Zachary Quinto and am a big fan. I’m also glad whenever someone in the public eye comes out. I’m also glad I’m not cynical.
A cynical person would say that viciously snarking on the good faith efforts of an actor who is attempting to work towards the betterment of the gay community and trying to undersell their celebrity status while benefiting from the increased traffic that this bit of news will cause for sites which mention said actor is the kind of self-serving cannibalization of their own that the less savory areas of the gay community have become known for.
Well said.
Your snarky and dismissive comments about Zachary Quinto show more about your utter ignorance and hatefulness than about his talent and courage. For the love of God, get a life!!
Cool. The comment still doesn’t add up. Homosexual elitism is why gay kids get bullied?
You guys are so sad. And yes if more high profile came out it would spark change . It’s not delusional to think that if you and others do your part to make homosexually more main stream and “normal” then there would be less suicides and less bullying. Why attack someone for coming out in Hollywood when there a lot of pressure to stay in the closet for their career. I find it just sad that we are so quick to attack our own community.
“…homosexual elitism shows as to why a lot of straight people hate us.”
This idea doesn’t even make sense! What in god’s name is “homosexual elitism.” Do you think this so called problem is why certain Republicans foam when the topic is gay? Be critical of Quinto for making a serious problem about him; however, don’t come up with silly stuff. Enough of that already around.
James, not to put words in another poster’s mouth, but I think the “homosexual elitism” comment was referring to the snarky posts criticizing Quinto’s coming out, not Quinto himself.
pic sucks cute guy tho..
i think most assumed he was gay in the first place and it never seemed to stall his career.
I even said earlier, “Who the fuck is this guy?” Just because he was on one show and was in one movie doesn’t make him relevant or give him the power to influence change. Just another queen fighting for some spotlight.
Wow Adam, you are wrong on so many different levels. Everyone can influence change (no matter how small) and just because he isn’t relevant to you doesn’t mean that he doesn’t hold any interest or sway for the young people who are fans of Start Trek and Heroes.
To say that someone in the public spotlight who comes out is “just another queen fighting for some spotlight” is a really really ugly sentiment and its really sad to watch us eat our own for some worthless hipster/snark value.
One very popular science fiction show and one very popular science fiction franchise. So, even if he doesn’t do anything else, he’ll still have more fan loyalty than most actors could hope to dredge up over the lengths of their careers.
I’m psyched for ST2, myself. And his upcoming appearance on American Horror Story, which has scared the crap out of me two weeks running.
Wow, what an incredibly enlightened response. And resorting to a stereotypical derogatory term to describe a gay man–truly original.
@Adam, Obviously “who the fuck is this guy” is a perfect question for someone like you who hasn’t seen any of his work but to label him as a “fighting queen” is way off the mark. Maybe you should watch his HEROS episodes or the latest StarTrek movie before you label and if you have no intention to do so then shut the fuck up.
Considering he was the villain in a highly rated NBC series, and Mr. Spock in a summer blockbuster movie, which will have a sequel increasing his visibility, acting as if his coming out is of no consequence is a little naive, at best. Some of the latest headlines here are dripping with more snark and venom than much of what you’d find a queerty.com, a site that is often criticized for much of the same.
This generation’s Mr. Spock just came out as being gay, and he wasn’t dragged out or shoved out of the closet. He chose to come out, and I thought we were still applauding such things as being brave steps in the right direction.
^Ugh. Once again, homosexual elitism shows as to why a lot of straight people hate us.
He’s not exactly c-list…
nice picture