Jesus daddy muscle bear Jaxton Wheeler, who’s gone through quite the transformation in the last two years, is doing scenes for basically everyone this month, and the latest is this bear-on-bear flip-fuck at The Guy Site.
Jaxton looks even huger here than he did in that scene called Bear Weekend, and even if I’d really like to give him a haircut an overwhelming majority of you voted him a “hot-ass daddy I’d like to fuck” though one Twitter commenter did point out that he now looks “more like Samson in a 1950s B-movie than Jesus.”
Now watch him getting fucked on camera for the first time in a while by Junior, who is not as hot but just as huge as Jaxton, and then flipping it around and fucking Junior. And check out this maneuver, which seems like it’d be tough for somebody with his body weight, but I guess those tree-trunk arms can support it.
I’m not sure how actually into each other Jaxton and Junior are (and I think they’re both pretty straight, though Jaxton has said he’s bisexual, kind of), and you can see how Junior just looks up and closes his eyes while he’s pounding Jaxton’s hole.
And at one point Junior just has to roll over into a fetal position while he gets fucked, away from the camera, possibly because he was crying.
[The Guy Site: Junior and Jaxton Flip]
I cannot believe that guy is the same gorgeous Valentino we met in ChaosMen. You gotta be kidding
That’s really the thing about it: they’re just going through the motions, more about the paycheck than into each other. Otherwise, I’d think I’d died and gone to Bear Heaven.