Thank you for the demonstration, Jasun. And thank you for showing me your erect penis. I believe you when you say that “it feels REALLY good,” but does it really feel good enough to justify having to pee sitting down?
Visit Jasun’s blog, Gay Daily Hot, here.
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Kick the PA (Gay Daily Hot)
Did you ever do more then do a massage with the guys? would love to see you have sex on video
WOW…nice very nice..
uhm, i’m with kevin…this guy is so hot, i follow him and xtube…i knew he had to have a hot wang!
Um, I think I need to see that demonstration again. And then again. And then maybe once more after that.
Don’t be silly. I don’t pee sitting down. Unless I’m straddling a guy’s head and peeing in his face. I might occasionally drip on the floor a bit but that’s just job creation for my hunky cleaning man Alejandro. He looks very hot down on all fours wiping that up.