As many good ones as I could find.
Jake Dalton is a 21-year-old gymnast from Reno, NV who is competing in the 2012 London Olympics later this month. He has a girlfriend, he has a strong belief in Christ, and he looks like this:
I have recently found out that Jake Dalton was born on Mount Olympus. The son of Zeus and Hera. That explains the unearthly physical perfection. Yep. Thats it.
Jake is just about as physically beautiful as a man can be. Perfection!!!
I was going to say he reminds me of Lukas Ridgeston, but I’ve been beaten to it, whilst I’ve been beating off to it.
I love seeing gymnasts with body hair!
Straight gymnast? Isn’t that a oxymoron?
I’m going to write a song called He’s Got Lukas Ridgeston Eyes.
Former porn star/current gay hooker Tyler Andrews was a former collegiate gymnast.
A typical looking gymnast …move along>>> nothing to see here folks..LoL
He’s definitely hot, but my nationalist pride say you should also Google Dutch gymnast Epke Zonderland. He’s quite nice to look at too.
An incredible gymnast, as well as really hot! Not a fan of his hair tho I prefer cleaner cuts like Jake Dalton’s There some real hotties on the UK squad, such as Louis Smith, Daniel Purvis (a hot redhead, he won’t be everyone’s type) & Kristian Thomas
Any gay American athletes going to London?
If there are and they’re smart they won’t admit it.
Just ask Gold Medal winning Aussie diver Matthew Mitchum how many endorsements he got after Bejing as an out and proud gay man – and a damn sexy one at that.
If they want to rake in the big endorsement dollars they need to do a Greg Louganis and stay in the closet till after their career is over.
So does that mean I should wait till my old age to see Tom Daley come out? :(
If he wins gold in London, you’ll only have to wait a few months.
not to mention Ian Thorpe!
I thought the guy was cute, but paragraph tattoos piss me the fuck off. Ain’t no one trying to read your ass!
it must be a bible verse
“he has a strong belief in Christ” Hope he isn’t one of those bible thumpers who are anti-gay.
Geez… You puss… What does that have to do with the Olympics and his competing in them? His beliefs whatever they may be are nunyabiz… Either watch him compete and keep your mouth shut or turn the damn TV off u shit stirrer!
Well… if he is anti-gay that IS my business. But other than that, i agree, not every post needs to be political.
His belief was mentioned in this post, therefore it IS appropriate to comment. As for every post not needing to be political(re: Insipid’s post), no it doesn’t. However making the point about his “belief in christ” invited the comment I made. You may choose to speak up or keep quiet about things like that. I choose to say something. And I probably will again, so just scroll down when you see the name “Bull” and don’t read it, if you find it that offensive.
Gymnasts have the best bods ive ever seen, next to football players.
Don’t forget to add pics of Danell Leyva as well! He’s one hot Cuban! Steven Legendre is pretty damn hot too, sadly he did not make the Olympic team, but he is still pretty damn hot!
I’d love to see Brandon fuck him bareback on SC.
Can we not have just ONE post that isn’t infected wih this disease-spreading fetish?
Natural sex is not a “disease spreading fetish”.
Flip-flop would be better
Best part of the olympics, hotties in their almost skin tight uniforms :)