But shouldn’t everyone, including gays, have to sacrifice and grow up a bit when they become parents? These new dads “want to have it all,” says Jeffrey Parson, gay dad and psychology professor. “They have… adult responsibilities but they also keep their connections to the community, sometimes in the party scene.” We guess that means we’ll be seeing more dads “having it all” while waiting for STD screenings at the clinic, baby bouncing on knee.
Maybe we’re too old school, and we’re not even fans of circuit
parties, but one of the pleasures of being gay is that you can still
go to Palm Springs with your friends without someone
hauling a toddler along. We’re on the same page with one of the condescending Fire Islanders quoted in the article who says, upon seeing someone’s 10-year-old in the Pines, “Wouldn’t a dog have been easier?”
Yeah yeah, we hear the Millennials are all itching to breed and pretend like the last forty years of social change have all been leading up their right to reclaim the 1950s in all its deadly boring, picket fenced glory. But we ask you: Should any child have to deal with seeing their dad trying on some fucked up, extra-tight Black Party costume involving leather underwear and a ball-gag? Should poor teenage Francesca Wallach (pictured at right with disco dads Jonathan Wallach and Don Bux) ever have to walk in on her dad looking at FUCKING MANHUNT?? Gross. Ew. Kill us now.
Times Mag Profiles Soon-to-Be Young Gay Divorcés
Another Pride Season Kicks Off: Prepare to Feel Ashamed
A 7-Day Pre-White Party Planner
Separated at Birth? Atlantis Cruises v. RSVP Vacations
Out.com (they’re still an issue behind on the website)
I just came across this because my daughter googled herself and told me about it. First of all the Manhunt quote was a joke. The writer of the article got a talking to when I saw it. Actually before I saw it he said “don’t hate me.” It wasn’t until after I read it I understood what he meant. Second, if my kids are with me we wouldn’t even think of partying. That was the false premise of the article for us. They initially wanted us to be getting dressed in leather while my children looked on but we politely refused. Third, you’re completely ridiculous and probably quite stupid. What do you know about raising children. After all, you are a self-professed old person who likes to go to Palm Springs to avoid kids. Wow, how admirable and mature. I would consider any parent who has the relationship we have with our kids to be extremely lucky and I would say the kids would be extremely lucky too. I have two amazing kids. You have a nasty blog. I think I win.