The porn superstar and Dark Alley producer (read the company blog here) has been cruising for sex online for 13 years. “I remember when Manhunt was a free beta test site in Boston only,” he says, “and I was one of the first 100 members.”
The Sword: What sites do you use now?
Owen Hawk: and
TS: What are some phrases that grab your attention?OH: Keywords like whore, slut, raw and anonymous.
TS: How about phrases that turn you off?OH: I’m not attracted to profiles that are lists of things that guys don’t like — “not into this, don’t message me if you’re into that.” Those guys don’t know what they want.
TS: Do you cruise under your porn personality?
OH: My screenname is OwenHawk, but my pics are non-professional ones so people won’t think my profile is fake.
TS: Do you enjoy non-reciprocation scenes?
OH: Yes! One of my favorite things is when a guy leaves his door unlocked and is waiting on his stomach with his ass in the air and a bottle of poppers at his side. I’ve done this scene both ways. When I was younger and crazier I would sometimes lie down blindfolded and let guys come into my apartment, and I never saw them. This of course was before the Craigslist Killers.
TS: Do you ever turn guys away at the door?
OH: Of course — if they’ve misrepresented themselves in their photos, But I’ve gotten smart over the years to recognize these profiles that use fake pics — there are signs.
TS: Like what?
OH: Missing heads. Only body shots. Or a collection of close ups of body parts in separate pics — cock here, face here, torso here, etc. You gotta get the holistic view: full body and face together. And if they are scared of showing that stuff online, they are either 1. a celebrity or 2. scared. And neither of those two are any good in bed!
TS: Have you ever gotten turned away yourself?
OH: No. Maybe a few times sex stopped because it was awkward and we just gave up.
TS: Do you have tips on how to take a good cock shot?
OH: Yes. It depends on how your cock curves. If it curves up like mine does you have to shoot from below. Here’s an example:
TS: Is it possible to schedule a successful threesome online, or is it doomed to fail with one guy being left out?
OH: Yeah of course, but it’s a lot of work. I’ve organized gangbangs online but you literally have to spend hours to achieve this, even in New York.
TS: What does your profile headline say right now?
OH: “Sluts are hot.”
TS: Have you ever had ugly sex? Sometimes it can be hot. A guy who’s so revolting that he’s sleazy hot.OH: Well I worked briefly as an escort so I have had lots of ugly sex. But outside of that, sex is more than pretty bodies, you have to get a feel for someone’s energy and chemistry. Thats the problem with the internet, is that it is very hard to get a feel on someone’s actual body-energy. You know, their vibe. That’s why sex parties are better for random fucks.
TS: Where are the best sex parties?
OH: Berlin. The Germans are dirty. Before a big party weekend like Easter or Folsom Europe, they’ll book a doctor’s appointment in advance of the party to get rid of the STD they know they’re going to get.
Behind the Scenes: Dark Alley Media
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I think you do a great job Owen! It takes a lot of balls (literally!) and confidence to do what you do and do it well. I am a fan and I love your work! Someday I may join in the adult industry..
Owen Hawk, did you ever say to Matthias, “Dude, your toenails are jacked! Do something!”
There are a quite a few issues that I have in reading all of this as a third party (outsider) who stumbled on to the thread. I just would like to set a few things straight as a gay man, being HIV+, and also in medicine.
HIV/AIDS IS MANAGEABLE. It is not Diabetes! It is more manageable than diabetes. However there are many issues that could come along that could compromise therapy. These issues could be environmental, noncompliance, nonadherence, and comorbidity with other disease processes. Josh Weston was not killed by HIV or AIDS. The complications killed him. Though I do not have a detailed story to go by on what exact complications, I cannot pinpoint the issue. Don’t quote me on anything. Think about behaviors that he did that could have compromised his therapy.
Being HIV positive is not a death sentence, however, putting other people’s lives at risk is not okay. It is my responsibility to ensure that my sexual partners know my status before engaging. There is where the issue lies. Informed risk is necessary. You won’t go into surgery without knowing which part of the body the Surgeon is working on will you? I’m positive because I made one mistake. It was the heat of the moment, I asked about his status and he lied. It was my fault for believing him and not stopping to go to the gas station and buy a pack of Trojans. Why should I feel condemned when reading this thread? Why should anyone? By the way, immunocompromised is a condition that is diagnosed by a licensed Medical Doctor using lab values from a Complete Blood Count, not a lay person typing in a thread. Medications these days are less toxic, no side effects, and research has found many weakness in the HIV virus various protein structures that we WILL SEE A CURE (functional cure) WITHIN THE NEXT 10-15 YEARS!!! SO STOP TALKING OUT OF YOUR ASS ABOUT THINGS YOU ARE UNEDUCATED ON. I also have patients that have had HIV for 10 to 15 years, on meds, and have outstanding CD4+ counts with Undetectable Viral loads. All other lab values are so great, many healthy people would be jealous at the numbers ran.
This does not make us invincible though. Behavior still has to be changed. I go to the STD clinic and look under a microscope at every swab, draw hundreds of tubes of blood, counsel, and pass out thousands of pamphlets. I prescribe antibiotics and point people to resources; but I still ensure that the client is educated on the risk of unsafe sex, educated on monogomy, and also how to hold your sex partners accountable for their sexual health and testing.
Owen, I have read throughout the thread that being positive takes the worry out of having caught a disease. This isn’t true. There is tons of risk associated with not protecting yourself. I don’t condemn you at all. Your taste for sex is different than others. PEOPLE, YOU HAVE JUST AS MANY ISSUES AS PEOPLE WHO HAVE BAREBACK SEX IF YOU ARE OBSESSIVE ABOUT HOW YOUR UNDERWEAR IS FOLDED IN THE DRAWER. It is called preference and it is not your place to judge.
So now that I have finished my tirade, I am so sick of all of you judgemental bastards. Yes you are smart for wearing a condom every time, but just because you hide behind a keyboard and I can’t punch you directly in the face when you say stupid things, doesn’t mean you can say them. Of course you have the first amendment, but I invite you to learn about something called ethics and etiquette.
What happened to leaving people alone and letting them do what they do? Jeremy Bentham forever!
”Adult Superstar Josh Weston succumbed to HIV-related complications on Sunday, December 16 [2012],” reported the Hot House company blog. “He was 39 years old.”
Please enlighten us, “Owen Hawk,” about “manageable diseases.”
Luv u Owen Hawk. bareback Forever!
I think you are all being a bit of an abusive lot towards Owen Hawk. What he wants to do and what his co-stars want to do is ‘their business’. I am under the assumption that anyone doing bareback porn is aware of the risks and not forced into it. STDs as well as HIV can also be contracted accidentally, you all make it sound like “if you want it, you get it”. At least Owen is honest. Many of you automatically trust what a sexual partner says but you have NO idea whether they are lying to you about their practices or not. To me, I’d rather someone be honest than dishonest.
Some of you sound like such bastards talking about HIV+ people like they are fucking monsters. I think those of you out there that bareback porn ‘disgusts’ or ‘offends’ only feel that way because YOU want to watch it and are feeling sexual guilt. I have known many + men that are wonderful monogamous and caring people. In some cases YES, it IS used as murder or as a weapon. It is his choice and unless he’s fucking men and not telling them his status beforehand, then how does it affect any of you? Smoking is the same thing and yet i’m sure some of you do it…think about it, you’re doing something harmful to your body yet it’s obviously your choice..however, rarely do smokers ask if those around them mind if they smoke so you are poisoning others. It is the same difference.
Thank you. Please read my comment on the thread.
Mr. Owen Hank you are truly a sad example of someone that has nothing to live for and does not care about other people just because you happened to get HIV a long time ago and think that will die soon. If you want to die quicker, please do it without hurting anybody else. Your comments are truly revolting and it brings gay people down as everybody tends to think that homosexuals are all the same..I can see that you are on a downward spiral that will not stop until you are dead or you have killed enough people with your irresponsible behaviour…I feel nothing but sadness for somebody that is so lost and that have no idea where or when to stop..There is no need for attacks as everybody can give their opinion on anything. I just wish that one dau you can find peace in your soul knowing that you have reached bottom and it seems there is no going back for you. My best!
owen hawk you’re a fucking liar ,all of you ,read this
IK: I wanted to ask about the GayVN awards and all the hoopla. Treasure Island Media, for example, none of their films are eligible for awards because they’re bareback films. What’s your opinion about that?
OH: We promote safe sex. My personal opinion is that these are movies that appeal to a lot of people. I mean, it’s all pornography. I don’t have a strong personal objection to bareback porn, but I don’t make bareback porn. I believe condoms are on porn sets to protect the health of the people that are having sex. I wouldn’t want anyone that is working for me to be put at risk for anything while they’re working for me. But people like to watch it. I don’t think that there should be any real intense prohibition of anything.
So which is your answer in this ?
you disgute me ,murderer ,go fuck with your bareback shit and die
If you don’t bareback fine but get a life and stop posting your negative hateful comments in response to bareback articles on here. This is a free country! Is your life so pathetically boring this is how you pass the time?
“Dark Alley has always been the poor man’s Treasure Island.” – Tim Hane
@Ryan. Because they have nothing better to do then judge people they have never met.
@Tim Hane anyone can put together a group of guys for a gangbang in a hotel room.
If all of you were spending more time educating young people the dangers of what life choices they make then slamming a person you don’t know at all then maybe we can move on to the next issue in the adult film world….. why no standardized testing? We are all up in arms about how BB movies are filthy and disease spreading but what Safe Sex only company actually takes the time to have tests run of all their models? I would be shocked to see how many people would actually be banned from the gay porn world because they tested positive. (Yes that is something that happens in the Str8 porn world. Poz = Blacklisted)
What’s SO wrong with using condoms in videos to begin with?!
What’s so wrong with using condoms?
what a bunch of nasty bitter queens. Why do u even watch porn if u are so self righteous?
Dark Alley has always been the poor man’s Treasure Island. TIM kicks DAM in its equally barebacked ass. Treasure Island has more videos, sells better, and is ultimately watched more than DAM. It doesn’t use the same cheesy sets and bad lighting production that Owen’s company has. If you want hot bareback action, look to Treasure Island and not this imitator Owen Hawk. TIM was there first and will be there long after Owen Hawk/DAM.
Owen is pretty much the same as when he was in DC, a person who works in the sex industry,and does what he want’s to do. Part of his persona (which I think is quite real) is that he is not concerned with what other people think. Really.
DAM moved into BB because he feels that will sell, and he wants to bring as much fetish into the product as possible. Like or dislike him, he is a good performer- though not an expert at PR.
When I met him (as a dancer at the DC strip club) he was attractive but mostly abrasive to people – and pretty damn funny. Some of his remarks to club-goers were classic.
(again, not ideal for a stripper)
What I DID like about him was a focus on the business at hand, and how he wanted to build his career and “brand”. At the time he was just starting studio work, for TITAN, I think.
There were two other dancers that were working in the industry at the time(if not more), and Owen said they were stupid,and that he would someday own the company he works for, because that was where the money was.
And…. he did it. Who would have thought?
As to his relationship with the BF, MVF I don’t think it matters. Owen is HIGHLY business oriented,and I doubt ANY personal relationship would get in the way of profit, or the search for such.
Though I do not support BB porn in general, I suspect Owen takes reasonable care of the performers – again, his business side comes into play. He is ANYTHING but stupid.
Bashing Owen for the BB stuff is kinda one-note. I like the notion that he speaks out on his position. He is never shy. As hard as it can be to talk to him, once you do , you know you are talking to a smart guy.
Yeah Owen! You just keep doing what you’re doing. Keep making money from reinfecting yourself and infecting others. Show us how hot it is getting various sexually transmitted diseases and infections. You’re to die for.
I think the dementia in his mind has kicked in Owen’s AIDS infected body.
Just ignore some of these repressed judgmental people Owen. You keep doing what you do. If others don’t like it then they can sod off.
OK. I thought Owen Hawk was gross after his interview but his responses are beyond me. I mean what did he really expect. Did Owen really think that continually transmitting various strains and viral loads of HIV+ plus other STDs is going to turn guys on?! Yes, sex is hot and it can be good dirty yet still be responsible. Would I want to take a lifetime or at least decades of meds just to get out of bed in exchange for a few hours of hot sex? Do I want to sacrifice years of my life, my very future, simply for moments of passion? Will I be booking doctor’s appointments not just for the occasional European orgies but months and years in advance as a result of my actions? Do i want to miss my 30s? 40s? 50s? 60s? 70s? 80s? What am I willing to give up for an orgasm? Obviously, Owen has sacrificed far beyond me for that pursuit. I’m not willing to do the same.
I won’t lie I’ve never heard of Owen Hawk before, but after reading this I definitely want to see his movies (minus the condom ones). He reminds me of me, and I’m only 26.
I think he is simply being honest about who he is and the sex that he prefers to have and film. I find him easy to look at and a turn on. I suspect that he would not be able to make a living were it not for people that also enjoy watching him and wanking off to the movies he makes. I much prefer a gay porn star who in real life is gay (Owen is fine in my book / from any side you care to view him).
Is that what happens to people AFTER dating MvF??????????????? No wonder he left the country.
You are an asshole and you know nothing about what you are talking about, go fuck yourself.
Why don’t you clarify Owen why your boyfriend left you exactly?
Or why Matt had to leave the country!?!??? Everyone says he is trouble and here you are left to clean up the mess.
Owen’s cute and I’m no prude but can someone explain to how being a human petri dish for STDs in Berlin or anywhere is supposed to be sexy?
It would be a honor to be converted by you Owen.
Amen Owen! You set those condom Nazis straight. If you’re poz, you’re suddenly supposed to wear a condom? Get real! That’s the best part. You don’t have to worry about it anymore at all. Sex obviously feels better the natural way. I’m glad you mentioned poppers Owen. Don’t just stop there. Partying is a very common part of our community. It’s not really harming anyone. We’re all adults here. The only person you’re affecting is yourself. If your partner’s negative, you have to use a condom unless he prefers it the real way. AIDS isn’t fatal anymore anyway. It’s more chronic like diabetes. The thing’s very manageable. Years ago it’s a death wish but now it’s not thanks to drugs and stuff. You can’t expect the HIV+ and those w/AIDS to remain celibate. Bareback sex is a very real look at gay community right now. it’s probably the most realistic porn out there. There’s a reason why it’s so popular and in demand. Keep up the great work Owen. You’re a huge porn star, a fantasy idealized, and definitely a role model.
I haven’t been following Owen Hawk’s career since his early Falcon days when he was doing porn w/condoms. Since reading this, I decided to look up his Dark Alley work on NakedSword’s AEBN. Let me preface this by saying that I’m not a consumer of gay bareback porn since I feel it glamorizes unsafe sex. I was too disappointed that a former Falcon star like Sebastian Cruz has been in a bareback Dark Alley video. I was surprised by how much older Owen looks since he’ll be 30 this coming November. If legal, HIV-positive consenting adults want to reinfect themselves, feel free to do so. I just personally won’t be a witness to it or support it financially by viewing it. Best of luck Owen.
Turning 30 in October : )
I assume you also don’t watch action movies because they glamorize violence.
People in action movies don’t compromise their immune systems and overall health after doing stunts or scenes.
Owen Hawk was hot until I read this.
Comments are encouraged and dissent is welcome, but mean-spirited comments will be removed going forward. After all, Owen Hawk is hot.
I think you missed some.
They’re not mean spirited. They just consider unsafe sex serious and deadly. Dissent is welcome. Spreading your disease whether HIV or STDs isn’t really a turn-on for most guys.
I am profoundly disappointed in Owen Hawk. When he first started DAM, I asked him, “I hope you never do bareback movies.” He told me he never would – that he used to work with a AIDS victim support group in Boston, and he knows better than that. Then he let MvF sero-convert him for the sake of “love” and now he’s a disgusting bug-chasing disease-spreading freak.
Tell me how you really feel. It’s nice you have anonymity to hide your identity when you write nasty things. God forbid you would sign your name to something so hateful.
You don’t use exactly your real name in porn either. It’s not a career choice you really brag about. :P
My identity has nothing to do with it. You betrayed your own principles, and became the very thing you used to be against. That’s true whatever my name is.
I agree with Titan. Dudes like this should take a month long celebratory tour of an AIDS ward, talk with nurses that care (and care and CARE) and see what the backside (pun intended) of nimrod behavior like this causes. I know it’s ‘cool’ to bareback when you’re already poz.. but god, if you think these funky budgets are rough for AIDS care now.. just wait. Hideous.
That was disgusting. Booking doctor’s appointments in advance for the future STDs is a travesty. Words like “whore, slut, raw, and anonymous” turn him on. It’s a tragedy that HIV-infected guys are having unprotected sex with each other, exchanging differing viral loads, and causing more drug resistant strains of the AIDS virus. How many years did we wear red ribbons? How many of our gay, lesbian, trans, bisexual, and queer brothers and sisters did we lose? It isn’t in vain that this plague has affected our community with some like Owen Hawk treating it so lightly. That’s why I’m not a fan of bareback porn. It’s a modern-day snuff film. Shame on you Owen.
Newsflash: HIV +people are not dead, there is a difference between living with a manageable disease and being, well, a corpse. So your snuff analogy is not working for me. It’s a tragedy that HIV positive guys have bareback sex with each other? Really? Why don’t we just chop the cocks off of every HIV + man and then they can’t have sex at all — maybe that would be a solution that you would prefer. Because after all in your view there is no difference between an HIV + person a dead person. Accept that people make different choices than you and stop conflating being positive with being dead.
Being positive is being physically sick w/a disease. Continuing to spreading your diseases, both HIV and god knows whatever other STDs, you have, is not only mentally sick as well but emotionally and spiritually as well. Bottom line: how you have unsafe sex kills people. People die as a result of how you have sex period. Btw, courts have upheld HIV-spreading convictions for years. Here are links:
You exaggerate with castration and death. I never said you should be celibate but only that if you’re HIV+ why continue to spread the disease and possibly get other STDs that lower your compromised immune system even further?
I used to feel good about being gay, but this kind of shit is why most gay men aren’t even worthy of equal rights yet. If it weren’t for good doctors and research scientists most of whom are straight), this kind of guy would be in the bone yard where he belongs.
If you are barebacker and still in good health, then THANK YOUR DOCTOR.