Gay Pokemon Porn Parody

The Outrageous Gay Porn Parodies Every Pokémon Lover Should Watch

Hey, perverted nerds! Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are officially dropping today and since I’m too busy writing on this blog to play either game right now, I’m just going to get my Poké-fix by listing off some insane Pokémon porn parodies that you need to be watching right now. So take a look below and some of the best, most WTF, and wildest Pokémon-inspired videos that the gay porn industry has to offer. After you’re done watching ’em all, be sure to let us know which video you’re choosing as your favorite Pokémon porn parody of all time down in the comments!

Gay Pokemon Porn Parody Gay Pokemon Porn Parody

Poke-U-Man Go

This is one of two pornos we’re showing you that was made following the overwhelming Pokémon Go craze from summer 2016. The scene revolves around Scotty Zee trying to enter Lance Ford’s backyard to catch a Pikachu on his phone. Lance eventually lets the aspiring digital trainer have the mouse Pokémon, but he has to prove how desperately he wants it first. We then get to watch the two men get naked, go at it, and even show off some very large Pokémon tattoos! [Watch]

Gay Pokemon Porn Parody Gay Pokemon Porn Parody

Fuckemon Go: A Gay XXX Parody

This is probably the Pokémon porn parody that everyone reading this is most familiar with. It stars porn icon Johnny Rapid as Ash, Will Braun as Brock, and Adam Bryant as a very weird Pikachu that turns into an incredibly buff man that Johnny immediately wants to fuck. Gotta fuck ’em all, I guess. [Watch]

Gay Pokemon Porn Parody Gay Pokemon Porn Parody

Poke’Twinks A XXX Parody

This is definitely the laziest parody on this list. While this movie does feature a total of six scenes, almost all of it is just some twink in an Ash hat fucking around with a bunch of other twinks that are wearing Pikachu or hats that resemble various Eeveelutions. I will say though – if there’s one thing Pokémon gays love, it’s an Eeveelution. So at least this production crew is pandering to the right audience and knew which Pokémon to dress these twinks as. [Watch]


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