Pollution Is Apparently Causing Humans To Have Smaller Dicks

Is your dick smaller than your dad’s dick? Is your dad’s dick smaller than your grandpa’s dick? Well, that may be because of pollution! (But seriously – if you have a detailed history of your family member’s cock sizes, let us know down in the comments. We’re… curious!)

According to Dr. Shanna Swan, a professor of environmental medicine and public health at Mount Sinai Hospital, human dongs are getting smaller! She claims that the manufacturing of plastics is “threatening sperm counts” and “altering” penis size.

Per TMZ:

The substance in question is called phthalates, which are chemicals created in the production of plastics … which, when exposed to the human endocrine system, screws with our natural hormone process — a dynamic that Dr. Swan says is affecting our reproductive organs.

She cites different peer-reviewed studies in her findings, which say there’s a scary trend of modern-day babies being born with noticeably shorter members — which she directly links to the phthalates she says are seeping into our toys and even some foods we eat.

Well, there you have it! If this doctor is right, it looks like you’re probably going to have a bigger schlong than your son and his son and his son. (But this doctor also claims in their book that the world’s sperm count has been drastically dwindling, so there’s a good chance you might not even have a son.…. Yikes!)

So what do you think? Is this bullshit? Do you think it could be true? Sound off below and if you want to look at some hung cocks before they apparently all disappear, you can check out our newest list of must-watch big dick movies here.


6 thoughts on “Pollution Is Apparently Causing Humans To Have Smaller Dicks”

  1. A lot of factors go into penis size. Environmental factors are hard to identify. I have never seen research on pollution verses penis size. A physician or scientist specializing in environmental factors and reproduction would be a good source. It is a serious subject when one thinks about it. Could the well/river/lake water I consume or my (Grand)parents consumed affect penis size. I know a woman who passed on a congenital dental defect to her son, who passed it to her grandson. The defect is serious, painful, and was caused by contaminated well water in southern Illinois. Penis size may be affected this way.

    On the other hand, Men’s Health once published an article that stated surgery can bring as much as 3 inches more penis length from under the pubic bone, where some is coiled underneath. Furthermore. treatment for later-in-life penis shrinkage is available.

    Finally, penis transplant has been perfected. Can men now select their penis size by “ordering” anew sex organ? I am in my late 50s and experience shrinkage. Can I put in an order for the next 17-year old penis that becomes available? This is hypothetical, of course, but could this be a future reality for men who are experiencing late-in-life “failure”?

  2. I think dicks change as you age. I also think where you live makes a difference. Last time I was in Chicago, they were bigger than here and I live in a smaller midwest city. Must be something else going on.

  3. Well that would explain about my ex’s small wiener! Then again I think I was just unlucky to pick a prick with a small dick !

  4. Too many gay men are obsessed with cock size. That being said if the guy’s nice, you both like each other and are interested in more than just sex, ( i know to some this is a strange concept) and he knows how to use it, isn’t that what it’s really all about? I live in San Francisco, go to a gay gym and the guys check out each other in the showers and needless to say many of the guys with the largest cocks seem to get the most attention. Unfortunately they’re some of the shallowest, most superficial, rudest and nastiest men who seem to think their S**T don’t stink and the world revolves around them.

  5. I only saw my grandfathers cock twice. On one occasion my grandfather, father and I were naked in a changing room at the beach. There was a noticeable difference between our cocks; of course, we were all soft, but mine was much thinner than my father’ and grandfather’s, but was longer than my dad’s, but much shorter than my Grandfather’s. My father’s was the thickest of the three, but clearly, my Grandfather’s cock was noticeably the largest. Of note, my mother’s father, my maternal grandfather, had a gigantic cock. I remember very vividly seeing it and being totally amazed at its size!

  6. Universal Potentate

    Penises grow during puberty (mostly). Having a baby dick as a baby would have to translate into a smaller penis when you’re 20 for this to matter.
    However, if we can reverse engineer the problem, we might be able to clear phthalates from expectant mothers and give them something else to make their son’s penises larger.
    Tracking this during puberty, you might find that 11 year olds should start taking some herbal or vitamin combination to ensure a genetically maximized penis size.
    None of this helps our readers here who are all of course over 18. ahem

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