Porn During COVID: Performers Ponder ‘When Are We Allowed to Start Filming Again?’

As the world continues to battle the pandemic, a performer asked on Twitter: “When are we allowed to start filming with each other again without getting dragged for it?” The thread attracted many top talents to reply…with no consensus on the answer.

Nick Fitt posted the question two-and-a-half weeks ago (you can read the thread here). The thread quickly (and rightfully) took a back seat to more pressing issues in the country, but the discussion remains relevant. He added: “Some states open, some not; some studios hiring, some not. So…what’s the protocol here?”

Nick Fitt

As it turns out, no one is sure. While studio work in many cases isn’t an option for performers right now, the lure of clips sites remains. “Just do what’s best for you without putting people in danger,” added August Alexander. “People will find a reason to drag regardless so just do you in my opinion.”

Added Ricky Larkin: “Everyone should do what they think best for them. The porn community sound like Christians rn with all the judgement & hypocrisy.” (A sentiment that Michael DelRay agreed with.)

Tyler Hylls, who performs with husband Kaden on JustFor.Fans and OnlyFans, also supported getting back to work.

“I think if Home Depot and Lowe’s are considered essential, and people can wait in line and go into a department store touching everything, then we shouldn’t mock other people for simply doing their job too. Just be safe and informed on the area and live and let live,” he wrote. “People just seem to be looking for someone/anyone to project their anger and anxiety onto…And quarantine probably hasn’t brought out the best in them. Either way, those people will always find something to hate on, if not this, something else, so fuck em and do u.”

Tyler Hylls

JustFor.Fans performer Isaac noted that following local guidelines was the best bet: “I personally think it depends on where you’re located and what your comfortable with. San Diego is pretty open. You can go to bars and out to eat now. So people are filming down here.”

The high-profile counterpoint came from Pierce Paris, who had already proven he knows how to keep himself (and us) entertained when he’s home alone. “If anybody is filming and the media gets wind of it, I’m sure they would love to write a nice juicy article about how the adult industry is putting people at risk,” Paris wrote. “Definitely in all of our best interests not to shoot!”

Pierce Paris

Jackson Wright of SouthernStrokes was also on the more cautious side: “I think studios should be following social distancing practices and encouraging others to do the same. There’s no need to place the health of people at risk, given that most models have to travel for work. You can’t guarantee someone minimal exposure to the virus yet.”

With most major studios still not shooting new features and scenes the way they typically do, performers have had to make their own choices—but the fear of getting sick, and of backlash, has many apprehensive.

“This is concerning to me,” added Chilton Fit, who performs on OnlyFans. “I want to start getting content together as soon as I can, it is kind of the only means of income currently.” (And he wasn’t the only one, with fellow OnlyFans star Masked Jock adding: “Following this. Inquiring minds want to know.”)

Stars like Fitt and Hylls have the benefit of being quarantined with porn star partners, enabling them to still easily create content. Other performers have traveled to areas with looser restrictions to film with close friends. But with a vaccine still many months away (at best), the industry is at a standstill in many ways.

When should studios resume standard operations? And how should performers approach their clip site work? Read the full thread here, and let us know in the comments below!


3 thoughts on “Porn During COVID: Performers Ponder ‘When Are We Allowed to Start Filming Again?’”

  1. At whatever time they can finally get enough COVID testing going to rapidly check performers I hope they will add a further level of responsibility and use condoms. We have seen what happens when a deadly virus mutates out of control and we don’t want to see that happen with AIDS again. But please you you can come back soon!

  2. I, like many, can’t wait for filming to begin again. Play it safe and get tested before the shoot. Results are available in under 24 hours now.

  3. Narcissism is your problem, not income! If doing sex on video was your only means of income before the pandemic, it would be wise to use this time to think, not f**k!

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