Also, he has a triangle-shaped brand on his ass that he got when he was in a (drumroll…) fraternity! Yes, he used to think he was straight, and must have been in some Delta Sigma Mu or Delta Delta Delta shit where they got him wasted on Cuervo and then BRANDED HIS ASS for life. We suppose it’s better than getting branded 6 times live on stage, but…
Anyway, he doesn’t seem bitter about it, and, in fact, he chose his porn name because of it. Watch to the 2:00 mark and see for yourself.
SF Drag Star Kiddie Gets Branded Six Times on Stage
Michael Lucas vs. Brent Corrigan: The Timeline
Wilson Vasquez to Michael Lucas: “Shh, Don’t Speak”
Behind the Scenes: Lucas Entertainment’s “Cock Stalker”
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See more at Lucas Blog, or buy Entrapment at Lucas Entertainment.
CUTE! I want some of that!!!!