Porn Power Couple Breakup Alert: Boomer Banks and Angel Rock Not a Thing Anymore [Updated]

Well, I’ve got yet another update to our two-week-old power couple status roundup: Boomer Banks and Angel Rock are not together anymore.

As of mid-December, Boomer was talking in an interview about the “rapport” he and Angel had developed over a few months, saying they were dating and tweeting about how they were “grateful to have found each other.”

And now it’s over. Just like that. Perhaps this is old news to those who have been keeping hourly track of his Twitter, which I have not. Boomer just gave an interview with TimeOut New York in which he confirms that he is, in fact, “single” and “not looking” at the moment. There you have it. I’ve reached out for further clarification, but we’ll see if Boomer responds.

The interview comes as Boomer is up for a Hookie Award (vote for him here) at next week’s International Escort Awards in New York. He says:

I’m very humbled. I know it’s the adult industry, and people might think it’s silly, but there’s something to be said about being recognized in the field where you’re working your ass off…to achieve something… [But] I wouldn’t say [I’m] surprised [I won the New York regional Hookie Award].… I would rather be winning a CFDA award. [Laughs] But it’s what I’m doing right now, and I’m not hurting anybody, I’m working really hard and I respect myself. I understand that it is what it is. But I love New York, and winning that award was fun because it’s attached to New York City.

Update: We asked Boomer when it all ended, and he basically didn’t answer, but he says the relationship just “evolved.”


9 thoughts on “Porn Power Couple Breakup Alert: Boomer Banks and Angel Rock Not a Thing Anymore [Updated]”

  1. Sorry but if you’ve been going out with someone for less than three months then you’re not a “couple”. Dating yes, couple no. The first three months is the “honeymoon” stage where everything is new and exciting and you’re getting to know each other.

    After that (if you’re still together) you can take it to the next step and become and item or if six months of dating has gone by and you still feel the same way about each other then you’ve earned the right to be called a couple. So to sum it up:

    0-3 months: dating phase
    3-6 months: an item (beyond the dating phase but not yet a couple)
    6 months or more: a couple (meaning you’re seeing each other fulltime and have shut out other options unless you’re both doing the “open relationship” thing)

    These two were together during the dating stage so I’m sorry but they don’t qualify as a couple in my books. Especially since Boomer Banks apparently rebounded in a remarkably short space of time with another porn performer (Seven Dixon) throwing an even more dubious light on this relationship

  2. Come on. Boomer is NOT the most popular porn star or escort. He lobbies constantly on twitter for his popularity. He has made friends with the owners of rent boys and of studios. His ex organically became a huge star because he is a gorgeous guy who people want to watch on camera. Sorry…

  3. Im not their fan, but I was sadden by it. After all the they are gay. So wish them well. Besos a los dos latinos <3

  4. It’s been possibly a month since they have been broken up. By the time you posted that whole story on relationships and who is still together and who isn’t, they were already broken up.

    The easiest way you can tell if a porn couple have broken up is notice the amount of tweets and/or pics of them together or of each other diminish or flat-out stop altogether. They flatout stopped altogether with these two, and I’m shocked that no one noticed.

  5. Where do I claim my prize? When they announced they were together and it was reported on this site, I said it wont last one year. So where is my free sh*t?

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