Shocking, I know. I realize that this is gay pornography and not the Scripps National Spelling Bee, and I’m fully aware that I myself am frequently guilty of typos, fuck ups, and more…but…STOP MAKING THE TWO WORDS “PORN” and “STAR” INTO ONE WORD. “Pornstar” is not a word! It’s two nouns. Has it really come to this? You’re simply too lazy to hit the fucking space bar?!
It would be one thing if people were trying to make a cute nickname or introduce some new slang…but this is none of those things at all! It’s just lazy and—just like “moviestar” or musiclegend” or “sportshero”—it will never happen. Stop trying to make it happen.
The habit of joining words (YouTube, NakedSword, NextDoor) was borne from “internet speak,” and I reluctantly concede that it makes sense in some instances (the way people see and type in web addresses has dictated the way companies brand and identify themselves). But NextDoor’s press release (which announces that Rod Daily and James Huntsman are coming to Denver, so, watch out, Denver) and what some bloggers have been regurgitating with “pornstar” doesn’t make any sense. Not everything is a website. Not everything is an abbreviated version of something. Sometimes, as arduous as it might be, it takes two words to describe something. I know that we work in and write about an industry known for breaking all the rules, but that doesn’t mean we’re retarded (well, at least some of us aren’t).
AND: “Titan Exclusive” or “Falcon Exclusive” or “Cocky Boys Exclusive,” etc. must be stopped, too. Sorry, your model might be very special, but “exclusive” is not a proper noun, so stop capitalizing it.
We have a television programme here in the UK called Grumpy Old Men, this is perfect material.
My particular beef is with US spelling of English words, eg programme, harbour, colour, etc. Not with America using these spellings, but because the education system is so bad in the UK these days, children here do not realise they are not using the correct spelling for this country.
I think it’s when they’re setting up whatever version of Windows they’re using and they leave it as the default US English. Then all the spell-checkers are set up for American spellings.
I think the habit of squashing two words into one predates internet speak. A lot of people think “a lot” is spelt “alot” and I was guilty of that one myself as a teenager before I’d ever used the internet.
i HATE the term ‘porn star’…i prefer to use ‘porn participant’…just because you swallow cum on camera for loose change does not make you a ‘star’….
Best post yet!!!
What’s funny is, each person on that flier has their own website and makes more in one year than most guys do their entire porn “career.” That’s all I had to say. Bye :)
If “porn star” is pissing you off, Zach, I’d advise you not to take up German. LOL!
Actually, the words porn star are two nouns, but in this usage, “porn” is an adjective modifying “star.” So it is actually one adjective and one noun. Think movie star, music star, fading star.
That’s debatable. It’s two nouns, or a compound noun, as far as I’m concerned. Either way, it’s still two, separate words. Not one.
lol this was a fun read!
Thank you Zach, and fuck off Jean Brody, you sound like a miserable cunt. Apparently, you do care or you wouldn’t have commented.
slow news day Zach?
is this site being ghost written by Erik Rhodes? It is becoming increasingly whiny in so many ways.
You’re retarded!!! Language is fluid and “porn star” is hardly in the oxford English dictionary. I say it’s pornstar and you’re like 7th grade English teacher overeager to control her kids. Pornstar is more concise. But really who cares as long as it communicates?
actually, you idiot, the words “porn” and “star” are in the dictionary. as two separate words.
you’re right though, if you meant to type “pornstar.” that’s not in the dictionary.
Clearly your 7th grade English teacher failed, since you communicate like a nimrod. Either that or you flunked. Spelling and grammar matter on the Internet because it’s all you have to represent yourself. If you post messages that make you sound like English isn’t your first language or that you have a learning disability, that is what people will think when they read what you write.
Sounds a little OCB to me…. just sayin’