Porn Star Thanks God for Freakish Endowment, Nice Apartment

Ralph Woods has been working hard as a go-go boy seven nights a week. But as he wrote on his blog, it wasn’t until he “asked for God’s help” that he’s been able to make ends meet in his new city. And it seems that Heavenly Father must be a bottom, because He’s really come through for the horse-dicked porn star. Now, Woods has 16 foot ceilings, hurricane-proof walls and a feather comforter. 

Despite Woods’ curious habit of referring to himself as “The Prince,” we’re happy for him. And we’re not the only ones. Someone named Angel Boy replied to Woods’ post to say, “Oh my God, Ralph, thank God we heard from you. … I prayed for you at Mass last night and you have no idea how happy I am to hear from you. God bless you my dearest Ralph.”

Well then. Seems like there’s something about eleven-inch Ralphy that makes people want to get down on their knees.

Watch Ralph Woods in Spokes III on NakedSword.


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