Supine Texan Blake Riley cheerleads for marriage. Blake wasn’t the only porn star to attend the nation-wide gay rights march. Pocket furball Steve Cruz was there, as was dangerous daddy Jake Deckard, who updated his Facebook status during the protest to read: “Jake is bored at the rally. Instigators to the front please!”
Serb herder Collin O’Neal has been so busy stumping for Obama that he hasn’t had time to finish shaving his head.
Mr. Pec-man Erik Rhodes takes a stand. The tape reads, “DANGER GLOBAL WARMING.” Moments after this photo was taken, Erik — doused in low-grade alcohol and standing in front of a boiler room furnace — caught on fire.
Poli-Dicking: Our 10 Favorite Election Pornos
Gay Marriage! Gay Marriage! Gay Fucking Marriage! A Week in Review.
Porn Star DJs: Not Only Hotter Than You Are, They’re Cooler Too!
American in Paris (iReport)
Gay Porn Guide to YouTube #16 (Queer Me Now)
Trying to save something other than myself… (Erik Rhodes)
blake riley is sooo humpy