Kevin Sellars paid the teenager to travel from Indiana to Texas for 10 days o’ fun. Sellars claims that the two slept in the same bed but did not have sex, and he says that the boy is falsely accusing him of sexual assault after their short-lived relationship soured.
But prosecutors say that after the relationship ended, Sellars sent a boy a message saying that he had probably given him HIV and telling him to "have a nice life." So now they are charging him with assault with a deadly weapon, described in the penal code as "anything that is capable, in its manner and use, of causing death or serious bodily injury."
The Houston Chronicle notes that courts have agreed on describing HIV as a deadly weapon for 15 years, including in cases in which HIV positive defendants spat on or bit people. The article quotes an HIV law advocate who says that "to refer to HIV as a deadly weapon in 2010 speaks of just unforgivable ignorance."
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It’s a shame and a disgrace. 49 year old man and 15 year old boy, disgusting. Yes, lock his sorry behind up and throw away the key. He put this young boy in danger, jail is too good for him.
It was; he was willing to put a minor to death or at least a painful life. He should definately go to jail if this is true.
Gee. Don’t have sex with 15 year olds. I mean take ownership of your status and tell partners before you have sex with them. Or use condoms.