Meet “dizasstur.” Fleshbot and Dudetube posted his XTube video yesterday. And while this is his only XTube video (please make more, please!), it’s enough. It’s more than enough. Bless this man, bless his cum shot, and bless his giant cock.
Uhhh, wow.
[UPDATE: He’s deleted the video! I guess it’s my fault? Ugh. If you missed it, know that it was really good.]
After a little online stalking (what, you think I have better things to do?), I see “dizasstur” already has a prominent job in New York City, which probably means he isn’t looking to become America’s next big gay porn star, and that makes me sad. And what makes “dizasstur” even hotter is that he’s hot in real life, or at least he’s hot on Facebook. Facebook is real life, right? I love him.
I prefer the shadows.