“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” To Be Enforced in Less Draconian Way?

Defense Secretary Robert Gates today said he was in favor of “a less draconian way of enforcing the policy,” and went on to make some of the first statements by the Administration to suggest that they may try to be more wishy-washy and lenient about it, rather than obliterate it yet altogether.

“Let me give you an example. Do we need to be driven when the information, to take action on somebody, if we get that information from somebody who may have vengeance in mind or blackmail or somebody who has been jilted?”

So let’s get this straight… Obama can’t rewrite the law, or get rid of it, because of political and military pressure, but he can say, Oh, we’ll just let it slide when someone gets accidentally outed? We call bullshit, and clearly this is a slippery slope to getting rid of the law, much like how the police turn a blind eye to marijuana sales and use in San Francisco.


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