Here for example, writer Choire Sicha takes McDonald’s for caving to conservatives opposing same-sex marriage, even though the site has advertising from on the same page. Talk about strange bedfellows!
It’s possible, of course, that the good folks at Radar are as bored with the cult of gay marriage, or maybe they’re so shaken by the stock market crisis that they’ll take ad dollars from anywhere. Most probably, though, they’re that their the victim of a very strategic and very misguided attempt by the “Yes On 8″ campaign to sneak it onto LGBT sites. Gay news demi-monde Andy Towle reports that he’s had a hard time keeping the ads off his notoriously pro-marriage Towleroad. Because gays are really into traditional marriage, of course, especially if it’s a garden ceremony.
UPDATE: Radar has confirmed that it was a Google-related ad-placement issue and have since removed the article. So far, has not responded to our inquries over this black fly in our Chardonnay.
Radar Uncovers Gay Agenda in OUT
Snooze Flash: Maybe Our Last Gay Marriage News Roundup
Manhunt’s Favorite Newsgay, Thomas Roberts, and All the Newsgays That’re Fit to Print
McDonalds Forces VP to Quit Gay Org, Caves to Radical Gay Extremists (RadarOnline – Yes on 8 ad appears in rotation with others)
We’ve had them on Good As You as well.
I’m actually of two minds on the subject of blocking the ads. After all, every time someone clicks one, the anti-gay side has to pay. Perhaps the best thing we can do is encourage folks to click them like mad!
Good As You