Be sure to turn up the volume since the sound quality isn’t very good and you can’t really hear what he’s saying.
I hope he ended up getting another drink!
Be sure to turn up the volume since the sound quality isn’t very good and you can’t really hear what he’s saying.
I hope he ended up getting another drink!
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gives a shit?
WHO gives a shit?
What a jerk!
Roid Rage
I actually had trouble getting a McMosa when I went a few months ago.
He is so damn funny.
Use your fuckin’ cup holder you moron.
dear rr:
u mad bro? :3
oh yeah, and he’s really straight, uhm yeah
Better stop supersizing since those bigger cups are easier to spill.
I can’t stop laughing, this is so funny. This is really serious or just a joke? ;D
I don’t understand why he was so uptight about it. It was just a fucking drink… Ok, two nice large drinks.
This is genius. For some reason I can’t still quite figure out.
It’s the porn version of Christian Bale’s on-set meltdown.