The oysters ($18 for a half dozen), it turns out,
are mushy and spermy. They’re really terrible, with a flavor and consistency
that would turn even the most ardent swallower into a spitter. Chef Berkower’s
concoction of ponzu, chilies, and daikon doesn’t make them any more palatable;
it just adds a helping of slime and salt to the grayish spunk.
Luckily, the she wasn’t offended by the titterati
at nearby tables which included Dennis Rodman and a gaggle of biceped homosexuals.
Pardon us, Ms. Shepherd, but where we come from “spermy” is a compliment.
(photo credit: FUBARWebmasters)
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Call in the Fluffer (Broward New Times)
that’s disgusting. What a disgusting woman.