28-year-old Sinz used to collect debts on the West Side of Chicago. Then he joined military and killed 28 men. Now, he’s taken to his blog to write about his gun.
We would not want to be a certain Chicago club owner whom Ricky Sinz calls the “hooker booker.” That promoter hired Ricky Sinz to perform in his club recently, and at the last minute he asked Ricky to allow revelers to eat whipped cream off his dick for $10. Ricky justifiably refused and left.
The club owner has since “made a big stink about it.” So naturally, Ricky is toying the idea of murdering him.
if your plan to hurt my income is what your going for your too late, im not a junkie that you can control like some of your guys
ure you might me a big tall guy that might be intimidating to a methed out twink. but im a big strong man i know fist to fist youll falli have been blown up in combat stabbed shot at, hit with bats, tire irons, bottles, you name i have probably been hit with it, and i dont fear it.
one ting i learned through 3 years of combat is that life comes and goes quick, i have taken the lives of many many bad men, and after all that was said and done it really made me empty to fear pain and suffering of man kind.i carry a gun with me everywhere i go i am licensed to carry, so if you want to send people to do me harm, send them im ready.
Diesel Washington can manhandle as many bottoms as he likes — he’ll still have nothing on Ricky, gay porn’s resident bad-ass. The grainy security camera footage below captures Ricky in action. When two men started bothering Ricky’s female friend at a bar, Ricky knocks them out cold, then leaves. It all happens in less than five seconds.
Now that Raging Stallion is venturing into piss porn, perhaps they could dedicate a film to men who wet their pants after making enemies of Ricky Sinz.
Ricky Sinz Beats Up An Overzealous Fan
Ricky Sinz Should Consider Decaf
Ricky Sinz Behind the Scenes: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Stop!”
im back from los angeles and its time to go to war (Ricky Sinz Hardcore)
Watch Ricky Sinz in Grunts: The New Recruits on NakedSword.
the gay community needs more men like this. that stand up to oppressive people that try to steer us in the wrong direction in the gay community
this is a guy that has fought for the country, fought for disabled veterans rights, and fought for the gay community tooth and nail.
if he is being threatened with bodily harm and he is willing to fight back. good for him he shouldnt have to take shit from anyone especially a pimp.
this man has paid his dues in life.
hes not a bully but hes not a pushover.
this man has done alot of good for alot of people, and when someone like him rises to the top lowlifes like this one try to take him down and take advantage of him.
and the fact that its in chicago tells me this is a mob related matter. so for him to let the aggressors know that if they try to hurt him he will fight back is the best thing to do.
the one thing that really sets him apart in the industry, especially his blog is that he tells things how it is.
everyone else tries to create this make believe fantasy world about porn.
but in all honesty being a pornstar sucks. the shit these models have to deal with is horrible he tells it real and raw. and if you people saw what these guys guy through its mindblowing, the stalkers, the politics, the haters, the assholes, and the never-ending onslaught of drugs prostitution.
its a hard life.
so when someone says i dont need the bullshit good for them. alot of people need to take note of ricky and how he wont break his morals or values for anyone
Ricky a bully? no he’s definitely a tough guy but far from a bully.
he is actually very quite and shy when hes not performing.
he’s a sweetheart he just attracts crazy people. there is something about him that brings drama his way lol, he avoids confrontation at all costs.
but if its unavoidable he reacts. i think its just in his nature as a fighter and soldier to engage a threat.
i know that he has been diagnosed with lung cancer recently and has been avoiding the public and trying to manage his health issue.
i saw him in kenosha and i think he started chemotherapy. he looks good but hes not as massive as he was. and he is looking like he started the therapy all the signs are there.
but he has always been nice when i have seen him perform and i have seen him put up with alot of drunk assholes and bullshit.
i do events with ricky sinz.
i missed the event in particular, but someone needed to take a stand against that guy, he is a horrible person and what he does to these guys is despicable,
he tried to take advantage of ricky and ricky wouldnt have it.
that event is horrible and it promotes unsafe sex and he wasnt having it.
the guy rules on taking advantage of young dancers, when ricky said no they insulted him and then sent in some assholes into another bar and i was present when that happened, and it was totally uncalled for. then when they threatened him he dealt with the 2 guys that made the threats.
later he started getting more threats so he put it out there that if you want to fuck with me im not afraid and there isnt anything you can do to me.
when assholes try to impact someones income, well being, and threaten your safety you have to react.
i know ricky carries a glock he always has and always will.
he doesnt like to be harassed or threatened nobody does.
so if he says you want to send your people to hurt me im ready
than that is a warning to back off.
think about it if someone threatens your life are you just going to stand there and say ok.
or are you gonna scare them away.
hes not a bully. he just doesnt put up with bullshit nor should he have to.
while violence doesnt solve much.
if you are put in a situation like that you do have to defend yourself. which he did and he was justified.
so good for him, i remember reading the whole story about this and it may seem abnormal to most, it was a bad situation and he was forced to take action.
i think what he said curbed the violence and the use of intimidation stopped the violence all together so it was an effective tactic where nobody got hurt.
its pretty smart.
i was present for that whole ordeal that day at the club.
the man that ricky is having beef with is a known drug dealer and pimp.
what happened at the club was really messed up, and ricky did the right thing by walking away, but what people dont know is that the man in question sent some people into a club to harass ricky after he walked out on the show.
and then started threatening ricky, so ricky laid down the law. hes not a bully by any means, but when some douchebag pimp trys to force him to prostitute himself and he refuses and then gets threatened and harassed, i think its justified to use the threat of violence in retaliation to what was brought to him.
and since then the situation has resolved itself.
i think its a good thing when someone can stand up for himself and not be intimidated by lowlifes.
if he was a douchebag he would have allowed the situation.
i know ricky very well he is actually a very kindhearted person. but his downfall is he doesnt backdown from threats.
his ife was threatened over this issue, so he fought back.
so before you go calling someone a douche maybe you should ask some questions about what really happened you fucking tool
think its time 4 the bully to go away?
Wow – violence and threats. Way to be mature and respectable. Douche.
Murder? Seriously? Just don’t try to escape the charges and you’ve got my respect.