A dance/lip sync video to promote a)RileyPriceless.com and b)Timoteo underwear (an official sponsor of RileyPriceless.com.) No word on when Bono is filming a cameo for the upcoming membership site. And judging by what his body looks like, this is also a video to promote masturbating to Riley Price.
[Riley Price in Golden Gate: Season 2]
I dont know… That looks like there could have been some drugs or a lot of vodka involved
Put me firmly in the “Riley is amazing” column, please and thank you!
good thing he is a porn actor, otherwise he would starve to death; talentless wannabe fug(he does have a hot body). Hey, trailer park called they want the rent.
See. THAT is a “hater”. Bileous attack with no point.
sorry, i’n not interested in the opinion of the hired help.
And can’t people make negative comments about people WHO PUT THEMSELVES OUT THERE FOR PEOPLE TO JUDGE without being branded “haters”?
Random insults is as tiresome as random “oh those haters” whining. Riley Price put this video for people to watch. Are the only people allowed to comment on it people who worship him and are going to drool? Gee. This is a comments section. Some people are gonna like performers or videos and some are not. Get over it.
PS: I am non-committal either way about Riley Price and I didn’t bother watching the video.
Of course people can make negative comments. But when the same people say the same hateful, hurtful things about literally everyone, it gets old.
I agre with that, as stated above.
But I read the above thread and I see some asses that are trying to pick a fight and that should be ignored, but there are some people who can genuinely not like Riley Price or this video and it would be more interesting to engage and discuss even if we disagree than just dismiss anything that is not over-enthused as “hater” material. Doesn’t it annoy you when Out/Advocate dismiss your right-on criticism “you are a hater” rather than to argue the good points you are making?
I like it when people disagree and it is not all cheerleading. Yes, there are some people who just like to hate on performers and are always nasty for the sake of it. Well, let’s ignore them! I just find the “hater” label to be distributed too generously, that’s all.
Sorry, but people who are being judgmental in their comments are not immune from getting a dose of their own medicine. As Zach says negative comments are not banned, but those who make them leaves them open to being called “haters”
When I make negative comments because I don’t like someone, I am more than happy to get a response and politely “argue” over it. My issue here is that calling people “haters” is lazy. If you disagree with someone, argue your case! Calling people hater as if that was any kind of magic counter-argument is just pathetic and a bit disrespectful too in the sense that ANY kind of criticism can be brushed away with condescension that way.
i think Riley looks amazing! such a babyface :)
His muscles are kinda flaccid, if he doesn’t start working out more he’s gonna get fat!
Oh for porn’s sakes! Riley Price was just celebrating his first day of production & showing off the Timoteo underwear they donated for his shoot. Can’t any of you haters just allow a guy to have some fun without comment?
I love him and he can do no wrong in my eyes. Can’t wait for the website to be up and running
Talented adult actor? Yes definitely.
Talented dancer on the other hand… not so much.
btw…tan lines or not..who gives a fuck..that will go away..his talent and footprints wont.
I dont think Bono could have done it any better.
LOVE RILEY PRICE! love how he picked a song that was current and danced his heart off and still gave us that million dollar smile. Hes hands down onw of the best performers right now today.Bono must be proud.
Wish he’d have shown more of his ass, it’s so perfect ;)
Couldn’t he wash his face before shooting this? It looks hella oilly.
DPS= Randy Blue.
No, it’s not. DPS has been trolling/hating on everyone here for at least a year or so.
DPS= Jayden Grey
I would not be shocked if DPS was Jayden Grey seeing the angst and jealousy hes had for Riley.
plus Riley Prices video is much better than Chris Porters. Hands down.
this was just… sad
why does he have a farmer’s tan? I would think that a guy as handsome as him would have a more even tan someone who is ashamed to take off their shirt in public
LOL…would love to see a video of you with your shirt off dancing. Sounds like you’re just jealous of someone who is a zillion times hotter than you. You go Riley!
I think its time to declare Riley Price gay porn’s jack of all trades. What a performer. WOW.
I’ve seen straight go go dancers dance better than this. What a sad attempt to reenact Porter’s shitastic dancing and lip syncing videos. Riley is so arrogant, stuck up and narccisistc.
Couldn’t agree with you more. He’s such a douche! Used to love him but have seen his bad side and that makes him so unattractive.