Oh dear…
Despite making her gay porn debut in a cameo for Riley Price’s new membership site, Sienna “Jewbag Faggot” Splash is simply not welcome in WeHo! Riley wrote the above messages to The Sword (published here with his permission) this evening, which is commendable, but what happens if Sienna Splash and her bloody asshole show up at Cocktails With The Stars anyways? Will show host Scotty B. politely ask her to leave? Will show videographer Ash Camerazzi film the confrontation? And what will boyfriend Cliff Jensen do–leave the show with his girlfriend or stay and hang out with a bunch of gay dudes in a gay bar? See you at Cocktails With The Stars on December 21st, everybody!
“Don’t bring that piece of trash you call a girlfriend.”
She’s just a cheap knock-off of 7-Up if you ask me! Oh, no, sorry — that’s Sierra Mist
If they would just ban straight guys from gay porn all these problems would be solved. There’s enough hot gay men to sustain the industry.
Reading about this kind of shit makes me wish I was asexual! I sure as hell do not want to be straight, but being gay seems less and less appealing.
b/c somebody finally put sienna on blast-duh !
So, she’s being banned from an event she can’t legally attend? Um…and this is impressive, why?
Well, Riley , in my eyes, you’re a stand up guy for calling Sienna out on her bullshit. Cliff is so whipped it’s not even funny, only disturbing. She is no good for him, and never will be, and maybe that will get through to him if his friends like you continue to reveal to him what he’s apparently blinded to. He needs to get out of that relationship and cut her off, because at this point, I just see him hitting rock bottom with her if he doesn’t.
@ Belize: What the hell does Gay rights in Asia, or a fictional character, played by a straight man, mostly remembered for being a promiscuous pothead, from a show that lost its cultural relevance over a decade ago, have to do with homophobia in gay porn?
I’m not talking about the “Million ‘Mo March” here. I’m saying if there is one place, one industry, in the world where homophobia should NEVER be tolerated, gay men should not be treated like second class citizens, and heterosexual shouldn’t be deciding what gay men want then it is GAY porn.
How am I a “judgmental prick” for expecting those minimum standards of respect for gay men in an industry that should be doing it without thought?
tramp stamp on a guy = gay. Case closed, deal with it.
Riley, come to Australia haha
orry certain messages r getting cut off..i APLOGIZE.
I wanna Wish EVERYONE a very MERRY Christmas!
i just heard about all this. SIENNA SPLAT… that’s funny!
She’s 18 years old so she can’t get into the show anyway, let alone the bar.
No one is banned from the show, however if anyone comes in and wants to
start trouble on a night that Riley and his models have been booked to promote
RileyPriceless.com those individuals will be asked to leave.
A similar situation occurred last year when someone came to COCKTAILS on a David Forest tonight bullying him
for the money David owed him. Although I’m sure David did owe the dude money it was the ‘FOREST’ night and
although the drama of David scared as all hell was funny, he was there to promote his models and that kind of
drama is just drama!
SEE YA’ll on the 21st!!!!
however id se
Zach, how well do you know Mr. Price? Biblically per chance? LOL! So much drama, ho, ho, ho!
Uh, no.
I must say for a moment I also suspected that :D
This appears to be similiar to the Cody Cummings personal assistant episode. Wonder how that situation was dealt with? Don’t seem to recall a statement of support for the gay community and any actions taken against her from CC. If so, I missed it.
Paige is actually Cody’s girlfriend. She posted the she and he(under his real name) were dating and had been high school sweet hearts. She’s also the body in the new Sade video Cody posted on the NDS site.
aww ugly people finding love
Although I have not seen proof that CC is a bigot/anti=gay/homophobic condescending leech(and that’s mild compared to some posts!) as many on the blogs have commented. But the fact that she is and they are together looks very suspicious. The same goes for Cliff Jensen. It may not be, but is sure does make me go hmmmm….I wonder…
It is puzzling. At times, Cliff seems comfortable with his sexuality as a bisexual guy, then most times he tries to play on this “straight” facade. I think Sienna only makes him uncomfortable with accepting his sexuality, but asks him to do gay porn exclusively because it’s to her advantage that Cliff not have sex with other women in porn. Bitch is clingy and insecure. And NOW , she’s bringing the same typeof attitude towards him and his gay scene partners. Cliff, time to dump her loser ass–NEXT
I thought he was just g4p. Is he actually bi or is that a convenient label he uses when needed?
It’s hard to tell. But in my opinion, he’s bisexual. he clearly enjoys too many of his scene not to be. he is most likely bisexual, but more into women than men
Cody is in a Sade music video ? ! Go cody ! as much as his scenes suck , the man is fucking fine as hell, and at least branching out there, unlike these other loser models who are clinging to porn as if it is a life jacket
I honestly think he might be a little mentally retstarted. lol you idiot spencer fox…yes we should all listen to your explanation of sexuality. Not science or years of history or the kinsey scale. just everyone listen to spencer fox-hes got it right. if you don’t he’ll bash your face in…cuz you ya know- he be a UFC fighter!
I am not homophobic, and I never have been homophobic. I’m a heterosexual man and I get hard in a second to seing a wet juicy vagina, I can enjoy sex witn men by using an extreme ammont of mental focus that I gained after 5-7 months of selling my body on camera for thousands of $. I love the porn inustry, but I can’t handle the pressure of dealing with all the fakeness, and the stuipidity that goes into the gay drama of homosexual pornography. I am one of the biggest supporters of same sex marrige. I have done charity work in organizing marriges of homosexual men “not gay men” in my own city and have defended a persons sexuality long since before. With all the politicaln garbage and hatred towards gays spewing in the news and media, I find my self more deeply saddened and hurt that my homosexuals friends and family have to be associated wiith gay people. I am going to be a champion in the UFC and fight for same sex marrige to be legalised and try to do more then just sell my body on camera to show the world that a homosexual man, is nothing at all like a gay man.
I can’t wait for Spencer’s debut in the UFC. Will one of your moves be shoving the head of your opponent up that grand canyon of an asshole you have. I’m not surprised you didn’t last very long in gay porn. Who wants to fuck a glass of water?
BTW I’m still bitter your mother wasn’t nominated for the 1990 Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her groundbreaking performance in Cry Baby.
For someone who hates faggots so much you sure do come to this faggot site quite often.. Just sayin.. You a fake ass pussy bitch,
I refuse to belive that ppl can be this messed and dumb,this has to be a pr move and judging by the attention they are generating in every gay blog it’s working.I mean lilliput cummings still has a job after a decade of homophobic shit;and he’s not even remotely as good looking or batshitcrazy-funny as spencer..soooo yeah pr move,good job.
is there a reason you are tying to hijack this article page and make it about you? this is about Sienna and Cliff – you already got your turn last week..
you can claim you’re not homophobic, but just because you do gay porn, you don’t get a pass for being a sexist
Just wanted to throw this out there.
Faggots like Frank from the real world is one reason some women get aids since these faggots experiment fucking fat ugly women who are desperate enough to buy into that bullshit. Bi sexual men do not exist. Its a euphanism for a man being gay. Guys who are attracted to women (heterosexuals) cannot also be sexually attracted to men (homosexuals), the brain doesnt function that way unless drugs are involved. Frank is just gay and is using the bi label to get attention as he’s a typical drama queen fag. Love all my homosexual fans. Love all my heterosexual fans. Hate all my gay ones. Hate all my straight ones. :)
Please take a whole row of seats.
No one cares.
How can a guy that is constantly on the brink of eviction afford cable?
How very Freudian of Spencer/Steven MMA to choose a sport where guys roll around sweaty and half-naked!
The only thing gayer than MMA is pro-wrestling!
He better get okay with being a “fag”, because these sex scenes will haunt him for the rest of your life – you will be outed wherever you go! The straight guys he’s trying to fit in with will only see him as the dick-chugging “fag” that he is!
well the ? is Price…turning back to himself gain? (
I am from Chicago–I know this Chap)—this is the shit i remember from him..sticking up for those that can’t.
I am proud of Riley For once.
Some context to the story would have been nice.
Can we put her and Spencer Fox in the “Please shut the fuck up and go away” file. And then burn it. :)
Kudos to price for standing up for this bullshit from her. Nice to see someone not only say something about it but dong something about it.
this sounds like a Jersey Shore or Real World episode….prelude to a trailer-park blow-out
“harsh words against a community that I am surrounded with”….uhm…Is Riley gone back to playing the straight game? Why would he say against my community or the gay community? I know he was claiming to be gay4pay once upon a time but I thought he dropped that bullshit or did his time with Next Door kick that back up?
Regardless, at least he took a stand, LauraD (http://twitter.com/#!/NaughtyLauraD) filming for Men.com not only let her on set today but put her in the fucking scene, and Seinna tweeted she was sucking Cliff’s dick, before he worked with Kirk Cummings- who should have refused to do the scene himself.
Isn’t Laura D the one that has the “I’m a fag hag” website? Will and Grace ended almost 6 years ago dear treating gay men like pets isn’t fashionable anymore. She also put out the Spencer Fox scene this week. $$ over a conscience I guess. Hey at least she got an airbrushed NOH8 photo of herself though right? 2 homophobes and a anti semite in one week, you must be proud of yourself Laura.
Laura doesn’t “put out” the scenes, and she’s also a close friend to countless gays. I wouldn’t make any of this about her or even begin to think that she endorses Spencer and Sienna’s bullshit.
Sorry, Zach but she is the PRODUCER and films the scenes. I’d be willing to give her a little leeway but have you seen the scenes coming out of MEN.Com with the homophobic slurs and gay bullying scenarios- way to fucking many.
If she really was an ally then she never would have allowed either of them on set and she certainly wouldn’t be tweeting Sienna- “good stuff today :) thx!”-
Why not ask her for an interview and ask why all the homophobic scenarios and why the Jensen-Splashs weren’t cancelled after Seinna and Cliff insulted the gay community? If she is such a supporter then she should have no problem saying so.
Do you also think she has the power to turn back time and un-film some scenes? I is surprising to me that some people do not yet get that the grand majority of porn consumers do not read the Sword so they are not up-to-date on the latest hateful / crazy people showing in the industry. They are out to rub a quick one and that’s it…
Alex and Estelle– As one of Laura’s closest gay friends I can absolutely say that she is an ally of the community. She is in no way homophobic nor does she condone homophobic or racist slurs. She is by far one of the most accepting and uplifting people towards the gay community. Just because she happened to have someone on her set that made a poor choice of words does not mean that she approves of the comments. As someone who is prominent in her blog, she does not treat her friends like pets nor does she belittle her girl friends.
You two are insanely sensitive over remarks made by an 18 year old girl who is dating a gay4pay porn model. And insanely sensitive over comments made by a clearly uninformed 22 kid from middle America. Having met Sienna and spent a couple days with Spenser I can tell you they certainly aren’t anything to get in an uproar about and attack someone who has absolutely nothing to do with any of their comments. Seriously… it’s kind of pathetic and gross.
@Alex. LOL. You are so over the top. Wake up, doll. You are no Brian Kinney. Being too overly sensitive about little things doesn’t mean that you’re a great advocate of the LGBT community. It simply means that you’re a judgmental prick who thinks that your experiences should be the standard for any member of the community. And don’t you play the whole “I’m fighting for gay equality crap” because if you really are, you wouldn’t even be giving something this small the time of day. Trying fighting for gay rights in Asia, child. You’ll see what I mean. Community college rallies for gay rights do not make you Lady Godiva.
Is this the same Tommy that ran the (in the words of Jayden Grey) low rent website Suite 703 into the ground and is the gay porn love child of Carol Channing and Mason Reese? First you might want to look up what “middle America” actually is. South Florida where Cliff and Spencer are from is no way “middle America.”. Even so, your “defense” of them is pathetic, pitiful, and reeks of self loathing. Spencer Fox is 25 years old, not a child and regardless of you “spending a few days with him” which has zero relevance to anything he is obviously mentally ill, out of control, and dangerous. You obviously didn’t read the numerous comments from other performers that called out his comments. I guess they were over sensitive as well, so was Austin Wilde for being upset that Spencer publicly made a false accusation that he was HIV+. Sorry Tommy but if someone is saying publicly that they are going to “kill faggots” all while profiting from the men that they hate then I and most people will take issue with it. The fact that you don’t says a lot about you. Spare me the “she’s only 18” bullshit. She’s a racist piece of garbage. That isn’t being in an uproar or being sensitive, that is a fact.
Not everyone wants to go through life being a doormat Tommy. What is pitiful and gross is someone trying to defend that kind of behavior. Maybe not as gross as a tattoo of a bowtie on their chest, but still gross none the less.
I guess I’m skeptical because your story about Sienna Splat has been out for two days, the timing of the Spencer Fox scene, and some of the over the top gay bashing “themes” at men.com.
Between Spencer Fox, Sebastian Young, and Sienna “Medium Rare” Splat, this has not been a good week for gay porn.
Don’t forget cody cummings(as much as I’d like to).
@Tommy Who is attacking LauraD? I asked a question. If she is an ally, as so many claim, then why hasn’t she spoken out about either of them? For that matter is she is such and ally then why is she making porn that uses the same homophobic language that they both used? For that matter why is is “pathetic and gross” to ask these questions of a straight woman and her straight boyfriend when they have both profitted off of the gay community?
I realize that you have made a career(?) out of being a “hanger-on” in the industry, and wish to defend those that keep you but clearly we have different ideas of dignity. I for one think it is “pathetic and gross” of a gay man to endorse, as you did with Dominic Ford, two married straight men, Kevin Crowes and Rick McCoy, when you know they took ED drugs and got high to get through the scenes. You have been around the industry long enough, and have spoken out at times, but I cannot recall you ever calling out any gay4payer, or their girlfriend, for their homphobia; yet you seem very quick to call gay men who do so “pathetic and gross”.
I’m not saying that LauraD has any part in this EXCEPT that she not only allowed her on her set, she included her in the scene, and told her she did a great job. Who cares is Sienna is only 18 or Spencer only 22? If they are old enough to be on a gay porn set then they need to have the maturity to respect the people it is made for; if not then they don’t deserve a pass for being…what young? idiots? Exactly, what are we to over look here?
I don’t believe that argument.
You can be ‘friends’ with blacks and be racist, believing in stereotypes and perpetuating them.
Liberals are capable of intolerance and prejudice, just not overtly like some conservatives. I’ve seen it first hand, with gay men. They talk about tolerance, but don’t know how to apply it in their own lives. Same with women, I don’t know why you would take on the label ‘fag hag’ with such glee or feel sexism is acceptable if women commit it instead of men.
Sir or mam- Zach Sire will vouch for me on this one–because he KNOWS me–you don’t.
I am gay. Ask anyone in the industry. :)
I’m sorry if I offended you, Riley, but the way you worded it seems like you were setting yourself apart from the gay community not including yourself. I had always thought, you had long since stopped identifying as straight or bisexual. Thanks for clarifying and for being a stand up guy.
@RandyN: I’m not talking about going back in time. Cliff and Seinna filmed YESTERDAY. If LauraD or her boyfriend, Jeremy Bilding,who also works for MEN.com, didn’t KNOW then fine. Now that they do know, instead of telling her how good a job she did on a GAY porn shoot, by sucking her own boyfriends cock, they need to tell her she isn’t welcome back. How is that going back in time? Also maybe more porn producers should spend a little time looking at The Sword and other blogs to …I don’t know…get some feedback. I know MEN.com is doing well now but I also know that many are already tired of the straight guy/bullying/homophobic plots that are offensive in 2011. A few minutes spent reading comments and evaluating them might prevent them from burning out to quickly. Or from hiring despised performers.
yep. im gay, sir.
I agree ! she along with ErynnVaehne just need to go somewhere. They both seem so disingenuous and pretentious, and seem to think they are THE SHIT because they are “friends” with a bunch of gay porn models, ESPECIALLY Erynn. I don’t mind the models socializing with women, but do it with women who are not so “hey look at me everybody ! I’m friends with —- !”
So when women do their jobs in their industry of choice it’s “Socializing” and “Showing off” instead of networking and being friends? Good to know. . .
yeah, with men it is about money and not so much about relationships or friends. men don’t give a shit about performers, gay or straight.
good for you-you learn something new everyday !
geez, does LauraD think it’s a good thing to be working with her after all that crazy talk from Sienna?
no one cares about laura D..who is she?
Sir or mam– I am NOT gay for pay. Zach Sire will vouch for me on this one because he KNOWS me.
technically any gay sex paid for is ‘gay for pay’. So therefore, you’d qualify. Gay sex is only worth xx amount, instead of dating and romantically being involved with someone of the same sex.
ask any of your other scene partners: what does it matter if you have gay sex, for which itself is NOT apart of the gay identity!
your a sexual object, and nothing more.
and gay pride is nothing more a means of getting the gay dollar, there is no ‘pride’ behind it…Just a marketing ploy for gay studios to hock their videos and performers, who themselves don’t often identify as gay. So where is the pride? It doesn’t exist.
yeah Kirk Cummings should have refused to do the scene ! is he that desperate to kiss ass? it disgusted me yesterday when I also saw him kissing sienna’s ass on twitter, talking about how much fun it was to hang out with the BOTH of them. Fuck that shit. Gay porn is so fucking fake. it really makes me sick sometimes
I’m not a fan of Riley Price, but I respect him, he seems to do the right thing just because he feels it’s right.
Glad he is doing the right thing because he wants to do it.
Thanks for taking a stand, Riley.
;) my pleasure….