New Mexico Democrat Roger Montoya is opening up about his history with the gay porn industry. The state House of Representatives candidate and 2019 CNN Hero took to Facebook on Monday to confirm rumors that he appeared in multiple gay films in the 1980s.
“I am not proud of that choice, as I was young and naïve, but those experiences helped me to understand the exploitation young people face,” Montoya wrote. “Those experiences do not reflect who I am, and they are insignificant in the scope of my life’s work, yet they helped inspire my dedication to my community and the work I do to make sure that youth have opportunities, support and confidence.”
In his Facebook post, the candidate confirms that he appeared in “two adult films” when he was a “22-year-old struggling college student.” One of the films he starred in was with Falcon Studios. For his Falcon scene, Montoya was paired with Jeff Converse for a bareback outdoor flip-fuck.
Conservative news blog Piñon Post originally broke the news about Montoya’s porn past earlier this week. The outlet revealed that Montoya used the stage names “Joe Savage” and “Eric Martinez” for his scenes and shamed him for hiding the fact that he had “unprotected sex in multiple gay films.”
Piñon Post isn’t the only conservative voice criticizing the candidate’s adult film past. After Montoya’s Facebook post was published, state Chairman of the Republican Party of New Mexico Steve Pearce called for the candidate to drop out of the race.
“This irresponsible and reckless behavior of starring in gay porno films, whether it takes place now or years ago, is unbecoming of any candidate or elected official,” Pearce wrote on Facebook. “If you’re a public servant, you must be held to the highest standards. New Mexico holds dear to its strong, traditional values, and Mr. Montoya should leave the race immediately.”
Unfortunately for Pearce, it doesn’t seem like Montoya will be dropping out. The candidate ended his Facebook admission post by saying that he trusts the voters and by shaming the Republican Party for digging up his past instead of focusing on the upcoming election.
“If the Republican Party chooses to focus on something I did nearly four decades ago rather than how hard I will work to bring back our devastated economy, provide healthcare, create new jobs and industries, to improve our public schools, to fix our crumbling infrastructure, and to protect our land, acequias and our way of life, that is their choice,” Montoya wrote. “I trust the voters to make a better choice because we have so much at stake this November.”
What do you think about this controversy? Do you think it’s right for Montoya to be ashamed of his adult film past? Should Montoya drop out of the race? Should people get over themselves and realize that working in gay porn doesn’t affect your ability to be a competent leader?
Sound off in the comments below and for those who are curious – you can check out the bareback “Joe Savage” Falcon scene here.
I now live in Santa Fe New Mexico I’ve never met Roger Montoya, yet I’ve certainly seen his films. He was hot, nasty and sexy guy of age enjoying his freedom as a guy adult. Sure looks like he really enjoyed being in those movies. He says he was a poor college student trying to support himself, so why didn’t he get a job at McDonalds, because porn in the 80’s paid good money, he had the good looks, the body, the equipment, he definitely knew what he was doing.
You hit it, boy! Ain’t nothing wrong with that. Society needs to stop treating those who do porn or other forms of sex work as anything less than honorable human beings. Sex is a natural part of life and it is not something that we should ever be ashamed of. In this day and age, there probably isn’t a young man in this country who hasn’t seen a porn flick or clip or two. I’ve often wondered what became of my favorite “stars” once they left the industry. I think it’s kinda nice to see what has become of one of them. Even though I was way too young to know of the existence of “Joe Savage,” those films are still available for us to enjoy today and even for those stars of decades ago, it is great to see where they are today – successful human beings. Much love to Roger and his past. Never be ashamed of it.
I agree with your analysis. If they have to go back almost 49 years to find dirt it shows they have a very weak argument.
I donated $25 to Roger. There’s no shame in doing porn, escorting or whatever. It’s time we moved on from this stigma. Plus he’s hot AF.
Joe Savage is hot and has a nice cock!!!
If you all enjoyed his work how about a little contribution to his campaign?
Just queued up “Popular Mechanics” and he is just as good as he is in “Spring Training”.
What’s the movie called!
Funny how the liberals call the Republicans who have done this in the past reprehensible and pass judgment. That being said when the shoe’s on the other foot it’s somehow different. Members of both political parties have pasts and some might shame hell. but what this guy did 40 years ago when very young ad foolish is irrelevant, period. really this double standard’s gotten old. In the words of ‘joyless’ behar of the ‘view” so what, who cares, move on” really time to come into the light. really most people don’t really care.
The reason Republicans are criticized in these situations is because they generally are working to limit the rights of sexual minorities at the same time as engaging in this behavior. The porn isn’t the problem, it’s the hypocrisy.
It is the hypocrisy that is called reprehensible. Not the act. Conservatives have such a hard time with abstract concepts.
If they understood abstract concepts, especially basic linear logic, they wouldn’t be conservatives. A little evangelical brainwashing can go a long way!
Wait … so their guy is paying hush money to escorts while married to his third wife … and Montoya doesn’t meet “the standard” for doing porn 40 years ago?
He’s got a great dick… got my vote!!
I would vote for him. Our representatives should represent the people. He did what he needed to make a living. What he did was legal, and gave him a prospective of the real world. I’m sure the Republicans are running a millionaire. With something even worse in the closet.
So because Jesus had a little incident with Mary Magdalene, does that mean he couldn’t be a candidate for the GOP?
wow hes hot in this scene BUT i cant find anything else hes done any help here ???
He would get my vote!
WOW, he was SMOKIN!!
Anf, um, he was in more then 2, unless all listed but the 2 mentioned are scene compliations…
The “C” in the 1st column denotes compilation.
“Spring Training” for Falcon in 1985.
“Hot Male Mechanics” aka “Popular Mechanics” for LA Video Corp. also in 1985.
Are his only original scenes listed.
OMG…one of my alltime favorite scenes from Falcon, back in its glory days. He was great in that scene, and produced two mammoth cumshots. He should not drop out of the race; the hypocrisy from those calling for his departure is glaring. Are the repugnicans calling for trump to drop out for cheating on all his wives and paying off two women from the adult industry? He has nothing to be ashamed of; I admire him more for running. Besides, the red states are far greater consumers of porn than the blue states and god knows how many closet-cases we have in Congress. We all make choices to survive; own them and move on.
Who cares what he did years ago? I’d bet lots of anti drug candidates did some drugs in college, if truth be told!
He is still sexy!
Also can I add, aging is a bitch. Fuck he was so HOT! Like beautiful and sadly those looks faded. So all those rude stuck up porn models this is your future.
Sex work on video can cum back and bite you in the ass! That said, a raw narrative, rather than a political speak statement may help his cause and whatever else he did in the past as well as what he has done since (record) of his political ACCOMPLISHMENTS UP TIL NOW. The reality is porn isn’t a path to most careers for a reason then or now. The choices we make as an “adult” matter and will have negative or positives consequences one way or another. Sadly, this is one of them. He kept his porn past “hidden” for a reason!
More and more politics seems to be divided between those under 40 and those over 55. It’s separated by those who grew up with either just their community and those with the internet, the world as their community.
Politicians try to straddle this. In this case, Roger is talking about gay porn in terms of a painful exploitation of the young and poor. This is a train of thought that’s relatable to older people but sounds like bullshit to younger people.
If you’re running as the leftwing candidate, stop with these overtures to people who will never vote for you. Focus on getting younger and poorer demographics to vote for you.
. “If you’re a public servant, you must be held to the highest standards.” Unless you are the president of the United States. Simple Republican hypocrisy.
Good for Roger. People grow, evolve and change over the course of their lives. Clearly RM has continued that evolution. Good for him and for the voters who have the opportunity to vote for a real person and not a cartoon charazcter.
He stands to his past. No one should blame him for that. I do not know what corpses Mr Pearce has in his cellar. But I am sure there are a lot. If he is so envious aboutn a good looking man
Meanwhile Trump is literally killing people and he’s okay. Sheesh I swear the hipocracy. Montoya was in one film and had consenting sex unlike the president.
So what? He admitted he did porn. In this day and age of “Only Fans” , “Just For Fans” and online social sites it does not mean a thing. I would be upset if he was a conservative who paid for an abortion. If we are going to judge Dems, what about Rod Majors who went on FOX and denied he was a former gay porn star. What’s worse is he condemned gays yet he had a dick in his mouth and fucked men in the ass. Having a porn past is small potatoes unless the person was doing kiddy porn.