In the latest installment of ESPN’s budding gay porn obsession, the heart- and dick-warming gay porn wrestlers remember being “freaked out” when classmates discovered their hardcore videos online. Paid $3,500 each for jerking off on-screen, both of the boys were expelled from the University of Nebraska for their penile antics. Now, they’re poster-boys for freedom of sexpression and our official cock muses.
ESPN has a lengthy article on the boys as well, which sympathetically points out the hypocracy of a school that expells students for doing porn but not for getting arrested for things like assault, drunk driving and drug use.
Preview: ESPN Profiles America’s Amateur Jerk-off Porn Star Wrestlers Next Door
Gay Porn Wrestler Makes Us Proud, Hard
Disgraced Amateur Porn Stud Now Nation’s Top Wrestler
Nationally Ranked Nebraska Wrestlers Outted For Appearance on Gay Site
ESPN Releases New Clips of Gay Porn Wrestlers (Queer Click)
They boys didn’t come off very good in this “indepth” report. One claimed amnesia and the other could barely put a sentence together. This piece was like 15 mins of actual interview and info and the rest was filler. OTL usually does better than this. I’m sure a lot that was left on the cutting room floor. There wasn’t much reported that we didn’t already know a year ago, aside from the run-ins with the po-po from both kids. Which is typical college behavior these days.