Have you ever used your feet to earn some extra cash or goods? Have you ever sold a foot pic to a stranger online? You ever flashed your feet to a horny taxi driver for a free ride somewhere? If so, you might have something in common with the one and only RuPaul!
During a recent appearance on The Ellen Show with Ellen DeGeneres, RuPaul took part in a game of Ellen’s Burning Questions. One of the game’s questions asked the RuPaul’s Drag Race host to reveal something “naughty” that they did in the 80s and this led Ru to talk about a time in New York when a cab driver offered to wave Ru’s cab fare in exchange for some time with their feet.
“He said, ‘Hey, listen, hey. If you put your foot over the front seat,'” recalled Ru. “He will give me the fare for free. Ellen, it was a $9 fare. So I just put my foot over the front seat, he did what he needed to do, and I got out of the cab without having to pay… And in the 80s, $9 was a lot in the 80s!”
Everyone shown on camera seemed pretty shocked by Ru’s thrifty foot fetish story (I guess daytime TV isn’t the place to talk about random men getting off to high heels), so unfortunately we didn’t get to hear what Ru further explain what “he did what he needed to do” actually means. Did the cab driver whip out his dick and bust a load while looking at Ru’s feet? Did he massage Ru’s feet? What actually happened when Ru put his feet in the front seat? We need answers!
Take a look at the full Burning Questions game below with Ru’s foot story, let us know in the comments what you think Ru meant by the driver doing what he needed to do, and if you’re like RuPaul’s taxi driver and into foot stuff, be sure to click here.