The man was pronounced dead, and identified as Steven Paul Hirschfield
of West Hollywood, who, near as we can tell, was a sometimes actor with
a single, possibly soft-core B-movie credit to his name.
That did all, perhaps, sound overly negative. But we don’t honestly believe that guy was such a serious threat to the cops that they needed to kill him (we believe the rulebooks say they should be trying to wound, not kill, and we think the black community of New York City would feel us on this… ).
Anyway, there are plenty of happy gays living happily in SD, and here are some photos of the happier moments of San Diego’s Pride parade on Saturday before that whole messy shooting incident, c/o Alexsander7, Mistress Pussycat and San Francisco Fred on Flickr.
Another Pride Season Kicks Off: Prepare to Feel Ashamed
Police Shoot, Kill Man at San Diego Pride Event (
Men Accused of Gay Bashing Appear in Court (NBC San Diego)
First of all that’s the story you got. Don’t believe everything your told by the so called “police”.
Anytime someone most likely on meth or PCP assaults a police officer and tries to take his gun, he can only expect such behavior to be met with lethal force.
These cops have made a promise to their wives, partners, children and families to come home alive at the end of their shifts. There is no time to anaylze the motives of an assailant.
Don’t blame the police. Blame the permissive attitude in the gay community towards alcohol and widespead use of drugs.
I support my San Diego harbor patrol. Just because the idiot was there for pride means he should have been allowed to continue to beat the officer with his own taser gun and been allowed to get his gun? Yeah, that homo sure was a prime example of what “pride” is all about. He’s also another reason that this homo hasn’t been to a San Diego pride event in more than a decade.
Please explain to me how the police are at fault? The idiot got a hold of a taser gun and then was going for the officer’s weapon. How should have the other cop reacted? Should he have helped the drunken homo with getting the gun just because it was part of a pride event? It’s stupid homos like those who are the reason this homo does not go to Pride. I support my San Diego police in this action.
I do want to thank you for changing the headline. You also deserve credit for responding to the first comment.
I’m afraid I have the same concern as the first comment, and also have to say that I think the headline is way over the top and unfair.
Do you guys realize how this this statement:
“…he took one of the officers’ Taser and was also reaching for his gun…”
and this statement:
“…it sounds like the cops fucked up here.”
are completely contradictory????
A suspect goes for a gun, that officer HAS to, within that split-second, shoot to kill. END OF STORY.