Saying essentially that she would support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution outlawing same-sex marriage, something that McCain has previously said is “antithetical in every way to the core philosophy of Republicans,” Palin went on to describe how she’d like drop a few nukes on Russia “to keep ’em in line” and appoint a special needs child as ambassador to the U.N.*
Please everyone, if you have half an ounce of self-respect or a teaspoon of intelligence, vote Obama. If you need to know our other endorsements (because we’re like, wicked influential) see them here.
Sarah at Folsom! (NSFW)
Sarah Palin Very Likely a Completely Homophobic Fundie Bigot
Joe the Plumber: This Election’s Gay Sex Symbol
Con-FUR-vatives Unite!
Election 2008: Our Endorsements
Palin Breaks with McCain on Marriage Ban (CBS)
*JK on that last part!