How can Paddy O’Brian, Johnny Rapid, 80 percent of Sean Cody models, and the entire Next Door Male crew all make such convincing bottoms even though they’re “totally straight”? Many of you have argued about this over the years, unconvinced that anyone who would eagerly take a cock in their mouth or ass, even for money, must not fully hetero. But scientists might now have a good explanation for you.
According to a new theory out of the University of Portsmouth in the U.K., as reported in City A.M., homosexuality may have in fact evolved not as an aberration to evolution, as previously believed, but as an essential tool “to help form and maintain social bonds.”
And the key to heterosexual people, both male and female, who are nonetheless turned on by the idea of kissing or having sex with someone of the same sex, is the so-called “social” hormone, progesterone.
Per the study, published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour:
They asked a group of participants questions such as “The idea of kissing a person of the same sex is sexually arousing to me,” and: “If someone of the same sex made a pass at me I would be disgusted”. They compared the answers to the level of progesterone in the blood.
The results… show that the people with higher levels of the hormone are indeed more inclined to have homoerotic thoughts.
Heterosexual men and women, for example, were more open to the idea of engaging in homosexual behaviour when progesterone was high. Men also produced more of the hormone and felt more homosexual if they were reminded of a societal need to be friendly with other males.
There appears to be a genetic link to increased progesterone levels, and the trait has to be passed on via a bisexual parent.
Furthermore, says the lead author of the report, “The research suggests that having exclusively heterosexual thoughts is a disadvantage it’s better to be a little bit attracted to the [same] sex.”
So maybe all the social anxiety about homosexuals stealing people’s husbands has been right all along!
But not really. Because most of these gay porn models really do have girlfriends they love, or at least love to fuck, and they go on to have wives, and more girlfriends, and maybe only ever touch a dick again in the steam room at the gym after they retire from porn and that doesn’t really make them gay.
[via Towleroad]
So where are these Progesterone pills and how do I pass them out?! Hahaha
“Because most of these gay porn models really do have girlfriends they love, or at least love to fuck, and they go on to have wives, and more girlfriends, and maybe only ever touch a dick again in the steam room at the gym after they retire from porn — and that doesn’t really make them gay.”
It REALLY is okay to be BISEXUAL and have a girlfriend or wife or a boyfriend or husband. Yes, even after being a sex worker! You can still find somebody to be in a relationship with you though I prefer a man who doesn’t have a drinking or drug problem, doesn’t smoke anything, or did not have a face full cum or had a dick up his ass of many strangers recorded on videotape for public consumption.
For sure, people across the board are hypocritical when it comes to sexuality. Gay men will say things like, “If you have sex with a man then you’re gay.” Well if that were true then if a gay man had sex with a women he must be str8. Gay men will go crazy when Str8 actors are given gay roles in movies or in porn but have no issue when a gay man plays str8 in the movies. It’s sheer nonsense.
I hate using labels on sexuality, Gay, Str8, Bi, etc is meaningless. Humans are sexual creatures and given varying sets of circumstances one can go from extreme heterosexuality to extreme homosexuality or anything in between. It’s time to grow up people. Your supposed to be mature adults and not engage in petty childish rhetoric.
Quite frankly, there is truly only one form of sexuality in homo sapiens and that my friends is HUMAN sexuality.
“…I hate using labels on sexuality.”
Then don’t, but be appreciative and respectful of others who are more intelligent and scholarly than you to label correctly based on researched sciences. That is the “mature adult” thing to do!
i love the idea of anyone who comments on this blog being “scholarly”
LOL, Right!
Wait a minute. I represent that remark.
Who “on this blog” suggested or described him/herself as “scholarly?”
Clearly you must be speaking about someone else since your whole argument is, “I’m more intelligent or “scholarly” than you without backing up your claim with no evidentiary support. Point of fact most scientists would agree with what I said if you took the time to do any research. Sexuality is too fluid given certain sets of criteria to ever be able to quantify it into 3 labels. Homosexuality does not truly exist because you could never even once have found a woman sexually attractive either consciously or subconsciously (dreams, etc). For the same reason no one is truly heterosexual. You could have never once felt sexually attracted to the same sex. Bisexuality doesn’t exist because what qualifies as a bisexual? Having one experience homo and 10 hetero, 10 homo and 2 hetero. Therefore, we all fall within human sexuality since we are speaking of humans or if you prefer we are all trisexuals which would include any and all instances of homo, hetero, or bisexuality. I’d refer you to the work of Kinsey or the most comprehensive study done to date on sexual behavior in the 1990s by The National Health and Social Life Survey but since you are so much more “scholarly” than me you’re sure to have read these. Here is also why it is impossible to prove that these exists.
Everyone currently alive or who once was alive would have to be introduced to everyone else who is or was alive and set within varying environmental factors such as drunk, high, availability of partners, religious orientations, same sex home, hetero home, bi home, etc to see if you could find a guy or girl that found no one or everyone who has ever lived sexually appealing or not sexually appealing. It’s impossible so therefore it must be concluded that these labels do not exist.
Who is the “you” here you refer?
Singing Carly Simon … You’re so vain, you probably think this post is about you, don’t you, don’t you
It’s called getting clarification and trying to be civil, given that I don’t know what “Chad Hunt” is other than a porn name. Given your reply, I am going to assume there is an imbecile mentally behind the “chad hunt” handle.
Nevermind, clearly we thought we were speaking to someone who could follow a conversation. Having said that, labels are generally put on things in the scientific world to dumb them down for less intelligent people or to make something less desirable.
An automobile becomes a car, felis concolor becomes a panther, puma, mountain lion, cougar, catamount, or jaguar. The more you dumb something down the more ignorant and insulting the label becomes. Homosexual, gay, queer, fag, fairy, fruit, butt pirate, ass bandit.
We make things less desirable by labeling also: Heterosexual, Bisexual, Homosexual, Pedophile, Zoophile. Even though all of these fall within human sexuality. Depending on the amount of money we have we go from wealthy-middle-class-poor-destitute.
Bisexuals and Homosexuals want equality with heterosexuals but you wouldn’t hear most Homosexuals or Bisexuals thinking Pedophiles or Zoophiles are equal to themselves. Though today in some places zoophilia is legal and in times past forms of paedastry was legal and even so today in varying parts of the world it is o.k. to marry a person of a certain age although if you’re not married to them and have sex with them then it is illegal. So is a 30 year old man who is legally wed to a 14yr old girl and has sex with them a pedophile or not?
So why do we feel superior to zoophiles or pedophiles? The answer would be That Bisexuals and Homosexuals are equal to heterosexuals not because of legality but because hetro,bi,and homo are all between consenting adults. An animal can never give it’s consent and children cant except through their parents and only at certain ages depending upon where in the world you live.
A pedophile could consider themselves superior to a homosexual or zoophile because at least they can create life. Homosexuals can’t create life unless they leave homosexuality.
A zoophile could consider themselves superior because they don’t require the permission of another person to reach sexual gratification.
Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not advocating zoophilia or pedophilia in any way I’m only saying it’s when we begin to label things and allow labels to be thrust upon us we open ourselves up to others feeling superior.
Labeling can be a good thing and it can also be a danger. That is why I do not like to use labels. It is certainly not because I’m not as smart as someone else it is because I can discern when a label is appropriate and when it is not.
There is NO NEED to label sex between consenting adults. When we realize that, that is when we become enlightened.
Isn’t it always the case when someone has been beaten in a battle of whits they resort to childish grammar school name calling. LOL
again mr chad hunt is a bisexual NOT gay, he doesnt know anything abount being GAY like me because i never ever intersted in chicks and never get turned on by em. i just assume that men who have statement “i hate labels or dont give a damn about labels” are actually bisexual. labels is not wrong and it’s not a sin.
You can change your handle, but anyone who reads this site on a regular basis knows who you are!!
Not sure what you are inferring or if you are referring to me, but my prior “handle” was Bryce!
Sorry, I didn’t glance at the “Leave a Reply to…”. I just started typing out of haste. My mistake, but there’s a real asshole on here that posts under many aliases, and when I saw one them I scrolled down and replied instead of replying under his message. I’ll be more careful next time. Me culpa!
Appreciate the explanation!
Hmmmm …
On this planet called Earth, are there already enough
usage of “labels” …
Diversity should be welcome in all walks of life …
Segregating, alienating & making judgements
by trying to further agendas does not move
people forward. People are people,
can’t we ALL just get along …
You tell em, Rodney!
With more diversity comes more labels. That’s how we communicate. And it’s with CLEAR and HONEST communication that we “get along!”
Ehhh….I think that easy money is more of a motivating factor for these guys. Porn money is not SUPER GREAT, but it is a payday requiring little strenuous mental or physical labor. If you were a straight guy and could score 500-800 dollars for one day of taking it up the pooper or shoiving your dick up some guy’s pooper, odds are you would do it. Granted, some of these guys MAY be a little interested in man-on-man (especially some of the supposed straight men at Sean Cody–some of those topping performances are just a little too into the action to be just for the check), but I think mostly it is a bunch of narcissists (yes, YOU Paddy…and you too, Zeb) who like getting paid to show off what they have.
You singled out Paddy and Zeb (Atlas???), but I think anyone (male or female) who performs in porn must be narcissistic. They all enjoy showing off what they have…thankfully!!
That WE can agree!
No, bisexuality was only discovered this mid twentieth century no one was talking about it in the 90’s. These gay4pay leeches exist bcoz of the self hated gay men out there. If a guy like me is attracted sexually to another guy then absolutely Im 100% GAY. PERIOD.
Bisexuality isn’t exactly a modern concept. It’s been around for a long time in many cultures — from the ancient Greeks and Japanese to Native Americans. If you are referring to the word “bisexual” that was coined in the 19th century. As far back as the 60’s bisexual activists were taking the lead in the sexual revolution, and in the 70’s bisexuality had become “chic” according to NEWSWEEK. You think you know everything about everything when in actuality you know nothing about anything. Do some research before you open your mouth, and you won’t sound so ignorant!
Shut up Mr. Bokoh Haram.
Now that is an astute come back!! What are you, a five year old on the playground?
Nope Im a 34 year old GAY MAN on the rice field.
“…Much of that is a result of social brainwashing….as long as you don’t know the sex of that mouth. By ridding ourselves of strict religious and social morals and mores, we would lose those stereotypes”
“Do some research before you open your mouth, and you won’t sound so ignorant!”
Are you willing to take your own advice?
there are so many kind of gay fake in gay porn ex: straight pretending bi or gay, bisexual but claiming or pretending as gay, like “im gay but i can have sex with women, enjoy pussy bla bla..” then the ultimate word is “it’s just sex” they do all those things is because of they are work for gay industries to have alot of gay fans and gay friends and absolutely money from thristy gay guys. gay fake, g4p and bi models/porn stars are over 100% gay men in gay porn. they are just trash. let me know if anyone here find one of those gay porn stars or models are not gay in their personal life. like adam russo and many more.
As often as I think the gay community wants to dismiss the concept of bisexuality, I believe it strongly exists given that sexuality is and/or can be very fluid. A sexual act for pay is vastly different than one’s romantic sexual interludes. I can think of one of my absolute favorite porn actors, Shane Rollins, who had a very active career in the industry having gay sex but also was publicly known to be married and fathered a child with his wife as the last movie he ever made debuted. Maybe some are just jealous that there are men who are able to enjoy the best of both worlds?
People can be bisexual all the want. It’s the blatant, ridiculous denial that everyone else can’t stand.
Eric… is asleep at the wheel!
It is not the gay community that is denying bisexuality, it’s gay for pay porn actors. Have you not been paying attention? By saying they are straight, they are in fact denying the existence of bisexuality. Using terms like fluid, heteroflexible, gay-for-pay, whatever the fuck is basically saying anything BUT gay, NOT even bisexual. The gay community doesn’t deny bisexuality. Gay for pay actors and their enablers, do.
THANK YOU!!!!! They are the problem, them and their deluded ass kissers who refuse to admit anything other than 100% straight. LOl give me a fucking break
Harper is an exceptionally good looking gay porn star at Corbin Fisher Studio. He identifies as str8 and has had the same girlfriend for several yrs. He does it all with other hot guys at CF. He mostly tops but sometimes bottoms, sucks, rims, the whole deal. He is a real sweetheart to talk too. He was on Flirt4Free cam show and I asked him if he was 100% str8. His answer: “Nobody who does what I do is 100% str8”.
“…“Nobody who does what I do is 100% str8″. Listen to HARPER and use research funding to cure AIDS and Cancer!!!!!
What does listening to Harper, a gay porn model’s views on gay porn models, have to do with curing AIDS and Cancer?
Thought I was responding to your reply in the affirmative, and then adding my own in support of; I guess not! Perhaps, I’m illiterate and didn’t know it until now.
Lets hear it for PROGESTERONE. RAH! RAH! RAH!
If you’re having sex with men and taking it up the bum, you’re gay.
Simple as that, honey…
Don’t argue with science.
Agree to disagree …
This could be debated forever …
As can nurture vs nature …
I am certainly no science expert, but I think it boils down to the fact that we are sexual creatures who all enjoy certain aspects of the total experience. Forgetting scenes like a guy getting sucked through a glory hole by a girl who is actually a guy, I truly believe if a man was totally unaware of who was giving him head he would enjoy it. It’s the “knowing” that turns some off. Much of that is a result of social brainwashing. A good blow job is a good blow job as long as you don’t know the sex of that mouth. By ridding ourselves of strict religious and social morals and mores, we would lose those stereotypes and follow the old adage, “If it feels good, do it!”
That is nothing more than the dumbing down of existence.
My guess is you know much about dumb! You have credentials to prove your statement, of course!