Every month, Riverside County protestors picket Golden Era Productions, a home base for 500 Scientologists. The LA Times reports that at a protest there last week, several carloads of deputies arrived on the scene, sought out two individuals and demanded to know their HIV status.
It turned out that the church had uncovered private medical records of two gay, HIV-positive protestors named “Angry Gay Pope” (pictured, not looking very angry) and “Happy Smurf.” Angry Gay Pope maintains a website with creepy details about the center, which has barbed wire on the inside of its fence.
According to Edge Boston, Scientology lawyers have claimed that the presence of these two HIV-positive men poses “a threat to the well-being” of the 500 Xenu warriors who live at the center. The article also highlights Scientologist policy stating that gays are “low on the tone scale” and should be “disposed of quietly and without sorrow.”
Of course we already knew that Scientology Inc. tape-records its closeted members’ gay confessions as part of what they call an “audit” and then wields those recordings as blackmail should the member ever consider leaving the “church.”
For a primer on Scientology doctrine, enjoy the succinct tutorial featuring some clips from the infamous South Park episode:
Barresi Switch-Hits on Cruise Gay Rumors
Crazy Dutch Men Stab Sex Partners With HIV Syringes, Non-Consensual-Like
Local Man’s Car Infected With AIDS
Riverside County ordinance curtailing Scientology protests suspended (LA Times)
Scientology Accused of Singling Out HIV+ Protestors (Edge Boston, via Queerty)