Horner stars in the new syndicated television production Legend of the Seeker as Richard Cypher, a young man whose father has died who gets called upon to raise his sword and fight against reigning tyranny. We didn’t know that medieval warriors could be such total bottoms. We also never knew that guys back then waxed their chests and wore so much hair gel. Furthermore, since we’re on the subject of scrutiny, is it just us or are our Screencap Sexpot Friday entries getting a little too woodland fantasy-themed lately? Could it be that we’re craving a visit to the great outdoors? We promise next time we’ll grow up and leave Neverland, but in the meantime, check out the shirtless Robin Hood below.
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Screencap Sexpot: Brendan Fraser In ‘George Of The Jungle’
Screencap Sexpot Friday: Lipstick-Dick Jungle
Matthew McConaughey’s Big Sweaty Bongos
Screencap Sexpot: Richard Gere
Craig Horner Shirtless in “Legend of the Seeker” Premiere (Superhero Fan)
I can’t believe it took you a whole week to discover this guy. I had to watch the first two episodes Saturday AND Sunday (they run it both days here). And the show isn’t half-bad, if you like that sort of thing without the sex.