Welcome to the fourth installment in The Sword’s new series, “Is It Safe?” Today we’re looking at new Sean Cody model Coner—which either rhymes with “boner” or is misspelled and supposed to be “Conner”—and his ability to suck his own dick and then swallow his own cum, and we’re asking the question: Is it safe? [Warning: Extremely graphic photos of self-sucking and self-swallowing below.]
On the one hand, the cum is coming out of his own body (via his penis) and then going right back in (via his mouth), so logic tells us that there is simply no way that Sean Cody model Coner swallowing his own cum can be considered an unsafe sexual act. After all, it is his own cum and it was already inside of him before it came out and went back inside of him.
But on the other hand, you never know…the body works in mysterious ways. Coner might be able to think he can trust himself and let himself cum in his own mouth because he is so ridiculously cute (and let’s be clear, Conor is—finally!—one of the cutest Sean Cody models to debut all year), but sometimes even the cutest, most well-hung guys can be big trouble.
Plus, with the current war raging over whether or not STDs can be transmitted via oral sex, would it be right for anyone, let alone a blogger, to say what is safe and what isn’t?
Unfortunately, for the first time in “Is It Safe” history, The Sword CANNOT determine whether or not Sean Cody’s Coner swallowing his own cum is safe, and therefore we CANNOT give you a simple “yes” or “no” response. Sorry, it’s up to you to protect yourself (from yourself!) and make the best decisions for you in your personal sex life. Good luck.
According to THE JOY OF GAY SEX, cocksucking poses NO risks. It’s “going up the back stairs” or using the female hole that can have unpleasant consequences. AIDS is now mainly a hetero prob in any case. Seems esp in Afrique!
I like seeing him suck himself off with his cum in his mouth looks super hot
First, he is gay.
Second, he’s from small town Iowa and in a relationship (HIV chances less likely).
Third, I know him. He’s clean. Well, at least he was before porn.
He can cum to my mouth too! Damn, I wet myself!
The problem isn’t so much about him swallowing his own cum, but if he unknowingly has HPV(genital warts) and sucks his own cock, there is a chance that he could give himself throat cancer.
Lol @ these fools in here who can’t detect sarcasm from a serious question…LMFAO
Technically if he did have a “local” penile STD, he could transmit to another site. e.g. urethral GC/Chlamydia could become GC in the throat, or syphilis in the mouth or herpes, or HPV yada yada. HIV wouldn’t matter obviously as its a systemic infection.
If you practice stretching, especially yoga, I believe autofellatio won’t be as painful. Also, how do we know 100% for sure he’s gay? Yea he mentions that he prefers guys a bit older, but he could just be saying that. Straight guys are known to do autofellatio as well. Look at James Jamesson and that one scene he did. He almost came in his own mouth, but he kept his mouth sealed shut. Either way, I do hope he’s gay, he is rather handsome.
slipped disc?
middle school memories. <3
the only danger here is the risk of neck and back pain inherent in blowing yourself.
my neck is still sore from last Wednesday.
This is one your less successful sarcasm-fests.
But I will say, as much as I’m still pissed off with SC for their practises, this is one beautiful boy. And an actual homosexual as well, praise the Lord.
Is it safe?
I can’t tell if this is a facetious post or not.
Of course it’s safe there’s nothing really that harms you some guys just cum in their hand and lick for easy cleanup.
There’s a serious risk of pulling your back out. When that happens you might bite down quickly without meaning to, fall off the couch, and kick the cameraman in the Ricoh. Horrors ensue.
I want to have his babies.
autofellatio scenes are hot! even hotter when they take their own load in their mouths!
With regard to HIV transmission, yes, this is safe. If Coner is HIV negative, obviously there is no issue, as one can’t transfer the virus (to himself or anyone else) if one is negative. If Coner is HIV-positive, however, there is also no issue; this is because–were some of the HIV strain he carries to be transferred into his bloodstream via a cut or abrasion in his mouth (which itself is unlikely)–it would of course be the same strain he already has, so there’s no risk of him contracting a different strain and thus furthering complicating his already difficult and chronic disease.
I can’t speak to your question regarding other diseases. If Coner has gonorrhea in his cock, for instance, I suppose it’s possible that by self-sucking he could transfer the bacteria into his mouth as well. In any case, because Coner has gonorrhea, he needs to be on a regimen of antibiotics to cure it.
I hope this helps to answer your stupid question.
Wow! So many hot GAY guys on Sean Cody lately. Did they realize people are tired of g4p? This site used to be a hell for openly gay performers few years ago, I hope this all can be forgotten now.
And that kid is just adorable! This looks like the most passionate self-fucks i’ve ever seen!
Wow, just wow