When I interviewed him earlier this year, Ethan Elliot (a.k.a. Sean Cody’s Ethan) said he had modeling plans, and here are the first professional shots. Ethan recently moved to New York, so there should be more coming, too. I guess this means we’ll never get to see “it” again. I’m weeping. Photo gallery below.
Never forget.
[Sean Cody: Allen Fucks Ethan]
oh no, please do not put that massive cock away.
I will be sad not being able to see it again.
I insist on nudity. In fact, I’m drafting legislation to ensure that Ethan never again appears in the State of California with even as much as a sock on (either feet or cock).
beautiful photos, especially the first three
God I adore him so. And even if we never see “it” again, at least we know it’s there.
zach, just imagine the sparks if him and Mick Lovell meet backstage at some modeling show
No way in hell will we ever forget his Sean Cody days! And those pics are almost as good as porn!