Oh, no!
Via Radar:
The unidentified male masseur is being repped by the same attorney who filed the initial sexual battery lawsuit against the Oscar nominated actor. According to the lawsuit, which was filed Tuesday morning in Federal Court in Los Angeles, the second victim alleges that while working at an unspecified resort in Atlanta, Georgia on January 28, 2012, he did an in-room massage on Travolta.
On the morning of the massage Travolta had “a strange demeanor, bloodshot eyes and climbed onto the already setup massage table…Travolta removed the entire sheet from his body, and he claimed the sheets were sticky and could not tolerate the heat…Travolta further indicated that he likes a lot of “Glutes” work meaning a massage on his buttocks…While he was massaging near Travolta’s buttocks area, Travolta would open his legs and spread his butt cheeks open and had a full erection and would maneuver in a way to try to force Doe Plaintiff No. 2 to touch his anus and around his anus.”
As the massage came to an end “Travolta suddenly turned on his stomach with his legs wide open with a full erection. He then tried to force Doe Plaintiff No. 2’s hand on Travolta’s scrotum. Then, Travolta started to grab, rub and caress Doe Plaintiff no. 2’s upper thighs and buttocks….Travolta still had an erection and wanted his abdominals done, but Travolta’s erection was in the way and he refused to have his penis covered by a sheet …Travolta started masturbating about 15 minutes left in the session, and Doe Plaintiff No.2, said he had to go,” the docs state.
Am I sick for thinking this sounds kind of hot?
I think Travolta is gay but I also think these allegations are false.
Court porn! Wow,I could have never come up with that concept
I thought the masseur was Nick Capra?
Hmm..something sounds fishy..that is Atlanta…i’m sure if you pay these so called masseur’s enough they do more than just masturbate their clients :-)(and never would be offended if this did take place.
Most male massage therapist translates into mild prostitutes :-)
Such attention whores. Why anyone in their right mind would feed into this. Travolta by now needs Viagra. Shheesh such crap.
Maybe the masseur was Robert Van Damme? Here he is at Men.com
A little bit.
I bet that nasty whore could take a fist elbow deep in his cavernous hole.