Most industries, including porn, have shut down due to concerns over the coronavirus. While many people are hoping to get work as soon as possible, others understand that it is a matter of public health so the best thing to do is just wait it out. Sergeant Miles is not one of those people!
Miles is apparently fed up with not being able to film new scenes and decided to go on a Twitter tirade about it. The Trump-voting porn star started out by posting about food riots in other countries and tagging the Free Speech Coalition, the Adult Performer Advocacy Committee, and the Adult Performers Guild. “Lift this ban and let us work,” he wrote. “You’re literally killing us.”
It’s unclear who the “us” in that situation is. He’s only tagging people that deal with porn, so it’s safe to assume he’s labeling these porn unions and guilds as murders. But at the same time, these organizations are only following rules set by the government, so you would think he would be complaining to them. Who knows?! Plus there have been exactly zero reported deaths caused by the recent closure of porn production, so I’m not fully grasping what point he’s trying to make. Maybe Miles knows something I don’t!
The Adult Performers Guild responded to Miles and pointed out that they’re just following the government’s “mandatory stay at home orders.” Miles didn’t seem to care and continued his online rampage. Check out their Twitter exchange below:
The Guild pointed out for a second time that Miles was directing his anger in the wrong direction, but he didn’t seem to care. He decided to act like a mature adult and continue ranting about how everything was unfair and everyone was trying to control his life.
Then Donte Thick decided to come in and side with Miles. He revealed that he’s not following social distancing guidelines and he’s still filming scenes.
“I don’t need someone telling me what to do with my life,” tweeted the model.
What do you think of Miles’ comments? Should the Guild allow filming to resume? Should they continue following government guidelines? Should Miles delete his Twitter account? Sound off in the comments below.
So he was a participant of 6. January insurraction. byebye enjoy cocks in jail.
Spoken like a true Trumper. If he wasn’t a gay for pay actor and had another side career, he would be okay. This virus has killed thousands and we need to be smart and just watch their previously viewed films. All of our hands are getting tired, but have some common sense.
Awh spoken like a true Trump supporter misdirecting his outrage.
Maybe next time you should invest in a back up career that doesn’t have a short life span , such as an essential worker then you wouldn’t be posting this BS
Since we are talking about deadly viruses that mutate maybe now is also I good time to encourage porn performers to go back to using condoms. It is only a matter of time before the AIDS virus mutates to a form that will not be protected by current treatment. We have no way of seeing if a performer is on medication but we can see if they use a condom. Porn performers set examples for young viewers who may not have access to treatment and preventive medications, especially in countries with disadvantaged health systems.
It’s not a deadly virus. It only seems to kill old people with 3 + diseases (after being intubated in nursing homes and ICUs) with no relatives to say NO to medical consent forms.
Healthy people with access to things like, I dunno, zinc, don’t have this problem. So if you want those geriatric OnlyFans performers to stay away from Assisted Living fetish porn (or at least use condoms while they do it), you have my full support. Otherwise leave you latex fetish to that particular porn hub search. Thanks!
Oh these poor porn stars . Grow up! Most of them are just mad cause they can’t get their rocks off and most are scared if it goes on too long they will be too old and fans will forget them! This isn’t a cold it’s a virus that can and has killed!
How many adult performers are willing to be potentially one of 10s of thousands of people dead and climbing?
Don’t these idiots realize that COVID-19 has an incubation period of two weeks? Meaning you could be infected and not know it? Which is why people are being ENCOURAGED not forced to stay home.
All this shows is that Sgt. Miles is a self entitled asshole who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Perhaps if someone HE loves and cares about gets infected he would change his tune but I doubt it.
If his hero, Donnie Chump, had actually read his daily reports ALL THE WAY BACK IN JANUARY and started the process to increase testing and hadn’t LIED constantly over the last 4 months we would be a lot further along in controlling this virus. This disease is LETHAL and quarantining seems to be a logical way to keep ourselves alive and well. It’s not forever. And when it’s time to lift the restrictions we can all go back to fucking each other like bunnies! Sergeant Miles is awfully cute, but incredibly STUPID!
I don’t know how a single viewer can cum watching either of these abusive brickheads.
YES its true lots of people are dying…unfortunately its not the right people who are dying…OUCH sorry..but you know this staying at home has me a bit edgy ;-D/
Tell those families who are grieving over the loss of their father, mother, brother, sister, daughter, son and friends about how bad you’re itching to get out there during this pandemic and fuck anyone simply because your desperately horny and wanna make some cash. Possibly trading a life for a cumshot. It doesn’t matter if you believe what government is saying or not, the proof is in the numbers and results. Everyone of us wakes up everyday to seeing people screaming and crying in agony because their loved one was here today and gone tomorrow. No matter what gender, age, race or orientation. Lives matter.
Who would be fucking dumb enough to work with either one of these idiots after this? May I also bring up something?!
Remember, Donte and Sergeant Miles went off last year about their rights to knowing performers statuses. Donte “not so” Thick didn’t want to work with models who were HIV positive even though they’re undetected.
Sergeant “dumb as fuck“ wanted performers to do mandatory checks everytime for STDs and would harass them in social media and in person for results. They cared about that but don’t give a fuck about this!!
These men are the same jokers who during a fucking pandemic (according to Donte’s twitter) wants to run to the beach and jerk off and who want to film scenes with lord knows who and possibly aid to the spread of Coronavirus. What the actual fuck is wrong with them. Donte obviously doesn’t give a damn about his family. (Wife and children). He wants to trade their well being in return for a most likely boring sex scene.
And correct me if I’m wrong but neither of these idiots are gay in the first place. Why are they itching so bad to fuck some guys for scenes and possibly kill innocent ones. It obviously isn’t money b/c they can make funds by shooting solos and other creative content on OF or JFF. So this tells me that they just want some gay sex. I mean, I’m not seeing these two headlining str8 porn and Donte only shoots bisexual porn on Twitter and for other performer’s OF and JFF. (He seems to love shooting scenes with his wife and John Johnson aka Ace Rockwood aka “I used to fuck in gay porn but I don’t wanna acknowledge it till bi porn become of relevance). This two just wanna stir up headlines to try to awaken their irrelevance or they’re actually that unaware, selfish and careless about livelihood.
And for those who try to rationalize their stance on this matter and defend Donte or Sergeant, you need a serious evaluation and wake up call. Don’t let the allure of a porn star, lame porn scenes and some less than stellar ass and dick persuade you to lower morality and defend idiocy. Remember how this shit is spreading and how even their carelessness could some how reach you and effect you in more ways than one.
I hate that every time someone opens his mouth and say it’s my life, it’s my choice blah blah blah. Sure you can choose to jump off a bridge and it is your choice. But do you know how fucking messy it is to clean up your after math?? This is not an issue about bending a knee, it is about being cautious. Imagine what it was twenty years ago if someone says, fuck your rules. I am barebacking, I don’t care about catching the virus, and fuck you AIDS, I’ll share as many needles as I possibly can with people. It is my life, I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do. That’s just a bunch of crap. Discipline is not about bending your knee or obeying to any dictator. It is about acting civilized, having knowledge and act wisely. Stop acting like a cunt whenever something isn’t going your way, then it is my life, I choose what to do etc etc etc. It is tiring and dumb.
Wow. That’s just a lot of bitchines to unpack.
1. Miles is misdirecting his aggression toward the union. He should be creating a coalition to challenge specific government officials, offices and edicts. Instead he’s alienating his union. His political affiliations outside of this issue are immaterial. However, his connection between Venezuela and the American porn industry is so wildly off base that it should be mentioned how silly that is.
2. The Sword is trying to make this a Trump/conservative vs. everyone else issue. It’s not. There are 3,006 counties in the USA and there is WIDE disagreement among their public health officials about how to proceed. There is no unity among the States of the United States either. These disagreements are often technical and have little to do with political tropes like conservative or liberal.
3. The Guild is being SUPER bitchy. By referring to safety, danger and mental health (calling Miles crazy) they’re starting a fight. They should have simply left that inflammatory language off and “welcomed his suggestions about how to proceed.” That doesn’t mean they’d act on it but they aren’t alienating people either. Acknowledging his very real frustration is pointless they only intend to undermine that sentiment in the next sentence.
4. Donte is the only responsible grown up in the room. Without blaming or name calling, he recognizes the silliness of the situation and acts boldly against public pressure to do what he sees as the right thing. He takes a principled stand. While Miles is whining about other’s decision, like a crying child kowtowing to his parents, Donte is displaying a strong form of very public civil disobedience and conscientious objection. That’s a real man!
Some huge lies here. There is really zero disagreement among true public health professionals about how to address this virus and how to, eventually, open up. There is disagreement among elected officials who are not public health professionals. In every instance that I am aware of where a state or county is now starting to “open up” or actually never shut down, that is occurring over the pretty clear and specific objections of the local public health professionals. Extensive coverage of this regarding situation in Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming and many other places. The idea that a “county” can safety open up while other nearby counties do not because they have more extensive outbreaks is just silly from a public health perspective. The virus does not respect county borders. This is in fact a Trump/GOP vs public health professionals situation. Miles is a well-known Trumpster. Sad to see The Sword publicizing his Trump BS. Trump and GOP are anti-science and actually have stated publicly that they are willing to let some people die, especially if the majority are older people, so the billionaires can make more money.
Here in California each county DEFINITELY has its own opinion. For instance, Riverside and San Bernadino are issuing fines for those not wearing face masks, but face masks can be anything. This is coupled with orders to avoid purchasing medical masks which would actually block airborne pathogens. Other counties, most notably Orange County and San Diego County see this “wear a useless mask” law as ridiculous and are also as open as California State will allow.
Standards for testing are wildly different across the USA and other countries. Some regions require a specific type of corona antibody test. Other regions merely have their doctors examine symptoms which can be similar to flu, black mold, pneumonia or tuberculosis. No uniform testing is done for pathogens which may cause similar symptoms, therefore those regions cannot positively exclude them from diagnosis or ensure a treatment plan for all the pathogens.
Some areas see that the spread in the population is very minimal, and only seems to be prevalent among nurses and patients, often in ICU and nursing homes. Some regions have therefore been focused on hotspots and at-risk populations. And places like NYC have completely relaxed hospital standards and we’re seeing reports (often from individual nurses on the inside) that NYC hospitals have irresponsible behavior leading to death more so than the virus.
I could go on but I think you get the point. There are vastly differing medical views, approaches and problems which are often local and technical. While those who cannot think through these issues refer back to political parties and bumper sticker speech, there is a very real and growing concern among the more mentally agile that we do not have safety standards that are either uniform or even effective.
I see you backed off the “county health officials” statement. It is the politicians that are making the final call, and I would suspect most of the opening up is against the public health pro’s advice.
Btw that is a fantastic spin job on the NYC story.
As to Thick’s tweet: there is normally a fine line between heroic and stupid, not this time.
I didn’t back off anything. The PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICIALS do not have consensus, whether at the level of county or country, and I was clear about that. Increasing division is growing both nationally and abroad as more information comes out AMONG HEALTH OFFICIALS.
No idea what “spin” you’re referring to. You might be unfamiliar with certain reporting. I might be too. I simply wouldn’t feel a desire to defend or dismiss an idea without being properly informed. You’ve done this twice, regarding health officials and again regarding NYC.
It seems that Donte has made a clear decision which goes against your preferred methods. I find his decisiveness honorable because of its maturity, not because of its simpering obedience to authority.
“Sergeant” if full of shit. He’s a self-centered asshole.
So is Donte, I dont do porn but I want to get on with my life as well. Funny how he’s trying to stand up for “everyone’s” rights when he’s only looking out for himself. Its not just the adult industry affected by this not that he cares. But my thing is because of his attitude and personality there are very very few studios and pornstars that would even film scenes with him. Only scenes he did prior to quarantine were for Lance Hart’s websites.
Those scenes for Lance Hart has to be some of the dumbest scenes I’ve ever seen in my life. There a waste of time and money. If that’s what he’s reduced to, then he should just quit gay porn and maybe crossover or just hang up the lube and call it a career.
He seems to be close with those guys who do crossover like Bo Sinn, Ennio Giuardi and Ace Rockwood. Let them hire him and he can stop wasting our time with his lame ass G4P performances and idiotic views.
He’s still doing porn?