Sex and the City

Man Shames ‘Sex And The City’ For Ruining His Penis

A Reddit user is taking to the internet to share his decades-long grudge with a Sex and the City episode that he says “ruined” his penis. In a post made to the show’s subreddit, u/Bobo7ate writes about how watching a circumcision-centric episode of SATC at age 21 led to him feeling insecure about his own dick and how it essentially pressured him into getting an adult circumcision.

“The episode – titled Old Dogs, New Dicks was all about Charlotte dating a man who wasn’t circumcised – the norm in the USA – and her disgust by it,” writes the Australian-born Redditor. “To sit and watch a show tell me that my body was revolting is something I will never forget. The women casually sat around the table body shaming men and their penises.”

He goes on to write about the characters comparing foreskin to shar-peis and recalling a line where Miranda declares that uncut dicks are “not normal.” The user then says that the episode made him feel like he “was screaming on the inside” and that he “had an ugly penis.”

“Eventually, Charlotte pressures her boyfriend into getting the end of his penis cut off,” continues u/Bobo7ate. “After finding sex with him repulsive, she now gives him a ‘five out of five’ score. Realising his cut penis has made him instantly more attractive to women, he leaves Charlotte. He was now a huge stud because he doesn’t have a foreskin.”

The Redditor writes about how his urologist approved the procedure, even though he now says he probably should have recommended him therapy instead, and how painful the aftermath of the operation was. He then gets into what it was like learning the difference between the two versions of his penis and his ultimate regret over the procedure.

“The first time I wondered if I had done the right thing was when I tried to masturbate again,” writes the man. “Masturbating with a foreskin is fluid, your hand stays on the same part of your shaft as the skin moves over the glans. Cut men either rub their hands up and down the entire penis (which is horrible without lube), or shuffle only shaft skin back and forth, never really stimulating the glans unless they were lucky enough too keep enough foreskin.

“Eventually the head of my penis became much drier and much less sensitive; the purple sheen it was had is now rougher and paler. I honestly can’t describe how less sensitive, but thinking about how it now, I have tears in my eyes. I produce far less pre-ejaculate – almost none. There is a big scar around the middle of my penis – something the ‘it looks better’ crowd never seem to mention, and the nerves around that area can feel incredibly strange – like bolts of lighting – after orgasm.”

He ends the post by saying that he ultimately had his foreskin removed after he was “shamed by American media and their immorally untrue message that foreskins are dirty and ugly.” The man references other, more recent pieces of media like Bad Moms that “body shame men who escaped genital mutilation at birth” before calling on modern society to stop shaming those with foreskin.

“We have to loudly reject the American attitude to men’s genital integrity – for a country with so many ‘woke’ voices, how does their open acceptance of body shaming continue?” writes the Redditor. “I literally had myself mutilated because of these messages, hoping that it would make me fit in. I cry for that 21 year-old kid… I will not be watching And Just Like That, and I will never forgive its predecessor for its treatment of male bodies.”

So what do you think about this story? Are you uncut? Do you remember this episode of Sex and the City? Would you ever get a circumcision as an adult? Let us know in the comments below!


26 thoughts on “Man Shames ‘Sex And The City’ For Ruining His Penis”

  1. I used to be stong anti cut warrior and my logic was preserving body integrity. But then I met this Jewish Rabbi asked if I am for body integrity then how can I support misuse of anal sphincter and gaping if asshole? That day changed my views. Now I am pro cut.

  2. Morbidly Curious

    Have any of you circumcised guys ever been docked?
    Docking: wrapping your foreskin around another guy’s penis head.

  3. This comment section is full of idiotic vitriol. No surprises there.

    I will say, as someone who is circumcised, I 100% feel that something was taken away from me as a child. Circumcision is truly genital mutilation and while it may have been “safer” health wise before modern hygiene, cut penises can still get smegma? All you have to do is learn how to wash your dick, cut or uncut.

    As for believing uncut dick is unattractive, that is a completely US of American idiot mindset that should come as no surprise because Americans believe they are the most important people on the planet. Most of us are unwilling to see anything past ourselves and that’s because we unfortunately don’t get to be surrounded, as easily, by different cultures like the most of the rest of the world.

    Cut is fine. Uncut dick is hot and the way we were born? And if you look into the actual history of circumcision you’d find a much darker, more religious and anti-pleasure lineage than simple hygiene.

  4. You are beyond rude. You should be banned for this. I call on the moderator (if there is one) to ban you IMMEDIATELY!

  5. I got circumcised in my 30s and it made my sex life 100% better.
    To each their own I guess.
    Story is coming from reddit a place known for people to self loathe and troll people.

  6. At least I know how to spell.

    I also wasn’t attacking anyone personally, I was merely expressing my own personal feelings about something. You, on the other hand, have been personally attacking and insulting other people on this site, which says a lot more about YOU than about anybody else.

    And having taken several IQ tests over the years, I can assure you that I am no moron.

    However, you did get one thing right — I am definitely a freak!!!

    1. Universal Potentate

      This is a good example of someone mistaking opinion for attack, or merely thinking it’s okay to attack opinion.
      Andy and I are of opposite preference on this. I love foreskin. He dislikes it. I can readily understand and respect his preference and I get the sense he respects mine. This basic respect is usually unacknowledged, and perhaps that’s an error.
      I have no problem if someone else dislikes certain races or body types or even genders. It’s what makes us unique and interesting as individuals and as a species. Insulting someone for their dislikes is as silly as insulting someone for their preferences, like preferring men to women.
      I don’t think I’m changing anyone’s mind but I would like to encourage those who agree with this message to be mindful to support the bullied and denounce the bully, especially when the bullied has different preferences from you.

      1. Universal Potentate, you are my hero! My knight in shining armor! Let’s run away together to a mountaintop castle (after killing Bill, of course) and live happily ever after!

        (But only if you’re circumsized.)

        1. Universal Potentate

          I’m circumcised … but I am NOT happy about.
          However, I do have a thing for Jews. James Deen especially. Oy gevalt!

          1. Universal Potentate

            James Deen (porn actor)
            Not James Dean (long dead movie star)
            Spelling is REAL important here. XD

    2. Fine to express your personal feelings, but it’s body-shaming to the point of saying something about another person is, to quote you, ugly. As inane as a tirade about SATC might be, this kind of attitude is not helpful when expressed the way you have done.

      That doesn’t excuse the attack against you, but I trust you understand the underlying hurt your words could cause.

    3. No-one in their right mind would take an episode of Sex And The City to heart. Its such a Fairy tale. So either the viewer did not have possession of his own ego and self or spends way too much time letting his tv defined persona rule good sense. This is just plain silly.
      No one except babies are forced into circumcision. His unwillingness to take responsibility for his own decisions seem well…..irresponsible!

  7. I’m Jewish and therefore circumsized. Coincidentally or not, I’ve always hated foreskins. Aside from the smegma thing, I just find them ugly, especially the big long flappy ones. As much as I love having a nice hard cock in my mouth, I will NOT suck on a foreskin!!! YECCCH!!!!!

    1. I guess the problem some people have, Jewish Andy, is the absolutely awful, disrespectful, hurtful way you go about expressing your Jewish penis preferences.

      No one cares if Jewish Andy doesn’t like foreskins.

      They care that Jewish Andy expresses that dislike in the manner of a complete and total asshole, while intentionally hurting other people in the process.

      This isn’t difficult, Jewish Andy. If I posted vulgar messages about your Jewish, scarred, unnatural penis, you would rightly have some feeling and thoughts about that. You know that.

      So this is similar, but in reverse. Decent people call that “respect” and/or “compassion.”

      You’re welcome.

    2. Universal Potentate

      As Stewie:
      You … ummm … can’t see any overlap in topic between porn and religion?
      Can’t … ummm … see that the topic is circumcision?
      Don’t … uhhh … see how a discussion about circumcision might involve religion?
      Maybe Judaism? Maybe Christianity? Maybe Islam? Maybe an Abrahamic religion?
      No? Not a little? Nope?
      Yeah, yeah. Okay okay bro.

  8. I am anti-circumscision, but I would never blame a TV show for robbing me of the agency to make a decision like this for myself and properly researching it.

  9. Universal Potentate

    This guy is grade A stupid.
    I certainly would like to see certain policy changes, like insurance CANNOT cover child plastic surgery. These procedures should be considered elective. You can do them if you can afford them. That would be the policy I would ask for. I think that would dramatically minimize circumcision.
    However, someone with mental problems who decides to cut off their foot and realizes afterwards “It’s harder to walk!” is NOT the spokesperson for anyone. He’s two things: 1, a clown and 2, a crazy person. This story makes me want to shut down the Twitteratti as clearly too many idiots are on social media (including Reddit) and get the nations of the world to take mental healthcare more seriously.
    Can you imagine being influenced by a damn HBO show? Seriously!

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